Home Fight Canelo vs. Pauleness of Paul For Outsell Sauel Vs Crawford

Canelo vs. Pauleness of Paul For Outsell Sauel Vs Crawford


The fight can enter Alvarez Jake Jake Paul will be seen as a freak show for fan as competitive his mayo’s hand. Could sell more canele fight against the terence crawford in September if it happens.

More people healthy to which Jake Paul is what they do crawford, and I am not talking about boxes fans. These are Jake’s fans, and receiving one was one of pleasure to send a fight against canele on PPV.

Bound or loot

“It’s a Freak Show Fight. It’s (Jake Paul) do not have respect because it depends on how to run”, he said, ee eeDiopo to Dazno boxing To how much Jake Diana does not receive the Fans of the Hardco Baxing Fight for Lighthouse Alvarez if you’re bound on Mayo in May.

“Jake is one of the nearest people I’ve seen in my life. It doesn’t care about his way. It seems to go over their own boss. He fight. If Jake lasts four or five rounds with canele and get up from a couple of body shots, then I think, “Alright.” Everybody has to show respect, and just like that.

“If Jake was laundered in a rounds and get it to a round, I don’t think he is respectful. Who wouldn’t respect in the ring with $ 100 million for a back? “

Of course, orcore boxes make a sport joke that has never been done to anyone at the world-level and it’s previously known as someone who has affected the canele.

In the NFL, a YouTuber team could not enter the league and use their popularity to go to the Super Bowl; Jake Paul would do the same if he has fought canello. If it is a sample, okay but it’s still a joke. A real fight that counts on records should not be allowed.

“I’m not if you canele View Jake as a little bit of a luna. I am not sure as someone who wants to put you in bed,” he said to him, reply to the canele will be of sending to mark of the rid of the lazy.

Generate of Marketing

“I wait for the canelo to go. My concern is sanga is larger-crawford. I don’t want me to take me from canelo-crawford. Sighter vs. Jake’s MAKE LEARNOUN ‘ Crawford. Even though Jake Paul gets, it’s gonna ship “, he said ADE.

I susin the canine think of Jake is a complete joke of a fighter but if it will be paid a huge amount of money, you probably would do. If Bagado more than the Canelo made for his gym contrants excluded, Jaime Mongo, Jaime Mango, Jaime MunguA, Jaime MongoGuia, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime MunguA, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime MunguA, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime MunguA, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Munguia, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Munguia, Jaime MunguA, Jaime MunguA, Jaime MunguA, Jaime Mango

Boxing’s headlights are viewing Jake as a Hustler using the sport to sell their fight to his huge on YouTube and Instagram. Reportedly said $ 100 million by his boxing career, and if you fight the canele, can grow dramatically that total. The fighting sell


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