Home Fight Was the Benavidez get away with illegal tactics against the morrower?

Was the Benavidez get away with illegal tactics against the morrower?


The former atlas Teddah Atlas says that he noticed some tactics that David Benavidez has moved with other differences working their fighting evening.

Atlas noticed these two bavidez bavidez tactics:

  1. Punching behind the ear
  2. Pull the morrell’s guard with his left hand and hit.

The fighters can hit the guard and fist, but I am not supposed to pull and punch. Benavadez made the last. I had one of the weapons of Morrell Case while cutting with others.

The referee should have observed that tactic and warned or penalized binavidez. It’s called and hit, a no-no in the sport.

Benavidez has obviously studied to come with a strategy to treat the high watches of morrell, but you don’t like to see the old guard pulls tactical used. Morrell couldn’t pull your arm to protect the boss because the left of binavidez hold them to keep it up.

Punches behind the head

Hitting behind the head is considered illegally and it is supposed to be warned and penalized by their arbitration. Atlas Call ‘collecting the ear “but it has seems more punching to the back of the head, which benavidez used against the zone.

Rabbit punching is supposed to result in warning, but referees often ship or fail to note. Focusing more about to stop bumps, that is interesting, given that they take me behind the head is very more dangerous.

There are the common in the wrestling of Benavidez-Morrell that looked like a Testbook book Scorches from Baavidez, but has nothing said. It was odd. The result was someone different if the referee had signed benavidez from using these tactics? Probably not, but we never know.

“Play (welcome) adolising his hand to pull the morrellature guard and then suddenly to him with the right hand as he is also allowed? It is up to the referee of Say that I can’t do, “he said the old atlas teddy atlas on his Youtube Channel, discuss the moral wall that David Bavidides in all its wrestling with David Mortrid to the Earth of Earth to the Cubane Earth when the Cubane Earth has his guardiation.

“I’m not sure every arbitrate will allow you to get the guards of the guesses. It made it effectively, and then hit the right hand later on you to the juice. The referee is not Arrow her welfon, and more power to him.

“Benavidez intended behind the ear. Lake to the right to the right behind the ear ‘, he told the Fools on the edge of the morrell’s head or to get away. “There are more than one way to hang a guy with a right hand.


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