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Von der Leyen, Antonio Costa or Kaja Kallas: These are the politicians who will lead the EU from now on


The agreements were closed late this Monday afternoon and are intended to reflect the political and geographical diversity of the continent.


The 27 leaders of the European Union They agreed late this Monday afternoon on the political leadership of the bloc for the next five years: Ursula von der Leyen as president of the European Comission, Antonio Costa as president of European Council y Kaja Kalla as high representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

The appointments of Von der Leyen and Kallas are not definitive and still require confirmation of the European Parliament. Instead, Costa is chosen by his former counterparts.

A deal closed easily

The three-way agreement was easily closed at the end of an informal summit in Brussels, the first face-to-face meeting of heads of state and government from the elections held at the beginning of the month.

Based on the resultsthe leaders engaged in the traditional game of tug-of-war and tried to assign the main positions In order of importance. The presidency of the Commission fell to Ursula von der Leyen, ‘spitzenkandidat’ (main candidate) of the European People’s Party (EPP), center-right.

Since announced his candidacy for re-election in FebruaryVon der Leyen, the first woman to lead the Executive, has been the undisputed favorite. During the campaign, he attracted attention for his approach to the hard right of Giorgia Meloniwhich angered progressives.

But the comfortable victory for the EPP (190 MEPs) it reduced Meloni’s importance in the equation and allowed him to change his tune. In a distant second place were the Socialists and Democrats (S&D), with 136 seats. This group will see how one of its most recognized faces, former Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa, takes the reins of the European Council, succeeding Charles Michel.

Although the presidency of the Council lacks legislative powersThe succession de global crises that have affected the bloc in the last five years has increased its political relevance and media exposure, turning it into a coveted award for the center-left.

The shadow of corruption led Antonio Costa to resign as Prime Minister of Portugal

Costa’s rise, however, comes with a question mark: His stay in power was cut short in November 2023when he resigned after several members of his cabinet were accused of corruption and influence peddling in the concession of lithium mining, green hydrogen and data centers projects. It is suspected that Costa made some of these businesses possible irregularities and has not yet been acquitted by the Portuguese justice system.

Meanwhile, the liberals of Renew Europewhich fell sharply from 102 to 80 seats, have achieved the position of high representative for Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallasa prominent figure in the bloc’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Initially it was considered that Kallas was too outspoken and tough for the position, which is supposed to act as a common voice of the 27 member states before the international community. But the doubts about his suitability were diminishing and his name, formerly linked to the post of NATO secretary generalreceived the green light.

Despite his prominence, the high representative is inherently limited by the principle of unanimity that governs EU foreign policy. If Parliament confirms it, Kallas will replace Josep Borrelloften accused of going off script.

The distribution must reflect the political diversity of the bloc

By electing Von der Leyen, Costa and Kallas to top positions, EU leaders are ensuring that The distribution reflects the political and geographical diversity of the bloc and maintain balance between men and women.

Furthermore, Costa, whose father was half French-Mozambican and half Indian, will become the first non-white person to hold a high office in history of the block.

The choice is also a recognition of the center parties, who stood firm in the elections and defied the predictions of a rise of the far right. Von der Leyen has reached out to socialists and liberals to build a strong, pro-European coalition that can last the next five years. Negotiations are already underway.

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