Home Uncategorized The Swedish city that offers land at the price of 8 cents...

The Swedish city that offers land at the price of 8 cents per square meter


A Swedish city is trying to attract more residents by selling land for just 1 crown (0.08 euros) per square meter.


The new campaign is part of a project to help Göten, a small town of about 5,000 inhabitants, to attract new residents and compensate for the aging of the population and the decline in birth rates.

Anyone can buy a plot” says Månsson. “There are no rules or requirements on who can buy one. “It would be absolutely fantastic if we could get people from outside interested in buying plots here too.”

He did not specify whether Swedish residency or citizenship is required, but it is likely that only people who live legally in Sweden are eligible. Sweden.

What obligations does anyone who buys have?

It is necessary to commit to using the land. Buyers have to start building on their plot within two years; Otherwise, the land is returned to the local municipality.

“It costs a lot of money to build a house, and the price of the land is not everythingbut it is an important part,” Mayor Johan Månsson told The Local.

Los interest rates are falling in Swedenbut families continue to be careful with the real estate market.

“If this campaign means that a family, for example, is encouraged to build a house here despite the current economic situation, that would be fantastic.”

Some of these plots have been for sale for many years.often many decades, as they have more or less forgotten about them,” says Månsson.

What does Göten offer its inhabitants?

Göten is a popular destination among Swedish and other tourists. The city is known for some of its most popular attractions, such as the iglesia romanica Husaby Churchthe historical monument Martorpsfallet, with its waterfall, and the Österplana Hed och Vall natural park.

These places offer a mix of historical, natural and cultural experiences which attract visitors to explore the city’s rich heritage and scenic landscapes.

How is the plan going so far?

The plots sold are distributed throughout the municipality, mainly in urbanized areas. The campaign was launched last month and Three plots have already been sold.

Göten is not the only municipality that offers discounted pitches. To the south, the municipality of Hylte launched a similar campaign earlier this year, selling 54 plots for the same priceat 0.08 cents per square meter.

The Göten campaign will last through 2024 and 2025. “Afterwards there will probably be no continuity, as the economy will most likely return to normal. But of course we will discuss it in the future.”

In fact, it is not the only area in Europe where we have seen this type of measures or even they pay you money to go there.

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