Home Uncategorized The Popular Party wins the European elections with 34% and 22 seats,...

The Popular Party wins the European elections with 34% and 22 seats, the PSOE with 30% and 20 deputies


The first official data from the European elections this Sunday, on the verge of 100% of the votes counted, places the PP in the lead with a support of 34.18% and 22 seats, followed by 30.19% and the 20 MEPs from the PSOE.


After the Popular Party and the Socialist Party with two seats difference between them, the third place goes to the extreme right of Voxwith 9.62% and 6 deputies.

The coalition also enters the European Parliament summer, We can, Now Republics (ERC + collect + BNG), the group of right-wing voters The party is over, together and the Coalition for a Europe of Solidarity of PNV + Canarian Coalition.

Los 61 seats that correspond to Spain are distributed according to these data:

People’s Party: 22 seats (34.2%)

PSOE: 20 seats (30.2%)

Vox: 6 seats (9.6%)

Now Republics: 3 seats (4.9%)

summer: 3 seats (4.7%)

The Party is Over: 3 seats (4.6%)

We can: 2 seats (3.3%)

together 1 seat (2.5%)

CEUS: 1 seat. (1.6%)

At the European level, the results are comparable. In fact, the European People’s Party gains 13 seats to 189 seats

He Socialist Group loses 4 seats to 135.

The four bells of the elections

After the prevalence of the PP in Spain with 4% more votes than the PSOE, which dispels the great mystery, there are four elements that make a splash in these elections:

The abstention in Spain there are 18,099,944 absences from the polls, equivalent to 50.78% of the electorate.

Citizens disappears, an extinction confirmed as predicted by the polls and the evolution of the party itself. His votes could have gone to the Popular Party and contributed to its victory.

The extreme right of Vox It is positioned as the third political force.


The group of voters appears with three deputies The party is over, almost at the level of summer and above We can.

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