Home Uncategorized The Netherlands officially forms its first far-right government

The Netherlands officially forms its first far-right government


The controversial ultraconservative leader Geert Wilders is left out of the Executive chaired by Dick Schoof.


The political turn of Netherlands It has already been consecrated. Seven months after last parliamentary elections of the country they made strong to the extreme rightseveral groups from this political spectrum have achieved form Government.

Headed by the far-right formation Freedom Partythe coalition Executive is made up of three other ultra-conservative political forces, including the controversial Geert Wilders.

Geert Wilders, out of the Government of the Netherlands

Although Wilders is one of the most famous faces of Dutch conservatism, he He is not in charge of the Government despite being the architect of the extreme right phenomenon in the country.

The extremist leader, one of the harshest voices against immigration in Europe, resigned in April to run as possible prime minister. Doing so would have meant receiving a support from the main allies Europeans from the Netherlands.

What parties form the Government of the Netherlands?

Finally, the Government will be formed by the Freedom Party, which will have a strong presence with five of the country’s fifteen ministries. Among them, the transcendental portfolio of Migration and Asylumthrough which they are expected to make a tough anti-immigration policy.

The other ministries will be in the hands of the other formations of the coalition, these are the ones that constitute the liberals (VVD), the Christian Democrats (NSC) and the agrarian party formed by dissatisfied peasants (BBB).

The head of the Dutch Executive is conservative leader and technocrat Dick Schoofwhoever was, furthermore, head of the country’s secret services. He is an expert in security and asylum policy.

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