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The French far-right could be close to an absolute majority, according to a survey


The prospects of instability, social unrest and possible unrest are motivating French people to vote. According to surveys, participation will be higher than in the past.


According to the latest polls, the extreme right of Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen could be close to achieving an absolute majority in the first round of the French legislative elections to be held this Sunday. The second round is scheduled for Sunday, July 7.

Polls suggest that the National Group could reach 36% of the consensus, followed by the New Popular Front, a coalition of social democrats, radical leftists and greens. President Macron’s liberal party, led by current Prime Minister Gabriel Attalwould be the third most voted party.

The French are torn between the perspective of an absolute majority of the extreme right or the absence of a clear majority that generates greater political instability. The threshold for a party to have an absolute majority is 260 seats.

“Our compatriots have the feeling that the State no longer applies its laws, that the State is weak with the strong and strong with the weak,” said Jordan Bardella.

The feeling of insecurity grows in France

The extreme right has been financing its political popularity thanks to the growing sense of insecurity among the French. The political forces They are deeply polarized and it could be difficult to find any form of parliamentary cooperation. The liberals of the ruling party seem to calm the tones of the debate.

“I also set this goal for myself. That we achieve a democracy, a National Assembly, which may be more effective and less brutal. I think it will be good for public debate and for the French people,” said Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.

The prospects of instability, social unrest and possible riots they are motivating the French to vote. According to surveys, participation will be higher than in the past.

The Socialists, however, will look for a moderate figure as a possible prime minister. “He or she (the prime ministerial candidate) will be the one who will allow all the left and environmentalists unite. Because first we need to bring together this majority and then the French,” said Olivier Faure, of the New Popular Front.

French President Emmanuel Macron will have to lead the country in coexistenceeither with a far-right prime minister or with a person who is the expression of the center left.

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