Home Uncategorized The climate crisis divides the big parties before the French elections

The climate crisis divides the big parties before the French elections


The far-right National Rally party does not agree with almost any of the restrictive measures in place to address climate change, especially those they say “punish” the French.


Climate initiatives feature prominently in the manifestos of all the parties that will participate in the next french electionsbut many of his proposals They are radically opposed to the climate transition.

The far-right National Rally party does not agree with almost any of the restrictive measures in force to address climate change, especially those that say who “punish” the French.

The party too has prioritized nuclear energy in its manifesto, focusing on investing in it compared to other renewable energies like wind.

“What we want is simply a moratorium on the construction of new wind turbines to, once again, relaunch nuclear energy and put an end to these intermittent energies that do not produce enough electricity for citizens,” says Alexandre Loubet, of the National Group.

Nuclear energy too It is the favorite option of the ruling coalitionwhich has promised build 14 new reactors to guarantee the energy independence of the country.

Without biodiversity, there is no human survival

“We need to use all the levers at our disposal, and that means large-scale renewable energybecause it is what is needed now, and nuclear energy, because the ecological transition does not stop within 5, 10 or 15 years,” says Christophe Béchu, of the French Together coalition, founded by the current president, Emmanuel Macron.

However, the party that applies the strictest environmental measures is the leftist New Popular Front.

Addressing climate change is the main topic on its agenda, with a manifesto that calls for a new energy and climate law what would make ecocide a crime.

“We are the only ones who carry it and we will do it as long as it is necessary, because even for those who say: ‘I don’t care about bees, I don’t care about birds,’ what they don’t understand is that without pollination, without biodiversity, there is no human survivalthere is no food possible,” says Marine Tondelier, of the New Popular Front.

The legislative elections they start this weekend and the first round of voting will take place on Sunday.

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