Home Uncategorized Tenerife announces plans for an island-wide train service

Tenerife announces plans for an island-wide train service


This article was originally published in English

It would have a total cost of 5,650 million euros and could carry up to 450 passengers.


If you are a regular at lucky islands and more specifically Tenerifeyou probably know that one of the few drawbacks it has is the public transportationwhich is somewhat deficient.

Don’t worry, it seems that this problem is going to have a solution since the Government has announced plans to build a train network that covers the entire island and facilitate access to its beaches and mountains, in addition to decongesting the roads. These trains will have a 450 passenger capacity and they will reach a maximum speed of 220km/h.

Of course, to be able to enjoy this service you will have to wait a little, until 2045 which is when local authorities plan to have launched four new rail services with a total of 80 kilometers of roads22 of them will run through tunnels due to the mountainous nature of the island. It is expected that, in 2040, 7.5 million passengers will use this rail service.

What will the cost of the project be?

After more than 20 years of debate, it seems that the improvement of infrastructure on the island of Tenerife is about to kick off. With a estimated total cost of 5,650 million eurosthe works are scheduled to begin at the end of the current legislature, in 2027 and to make it more viable, each railway line will be built in phases.

According to Pablo Rodriguez, Regional Minister of Public Works and Mobility, told the newspaper ‘Daily Express’, “Instead of needing 4 billion euros in advance, we are talking about segments that require 300 or 400 million euros, which makes it more financially viable.

What do we know about the possible new train lines in Tenerife?

Relatively little is known about the plans – and they are not all confirmed yet – but we do have some details of what they could be like.

At the moment, it is known that the Southern Train will serve the eastern coast of the islaMeanwhile he Northern Train would run alongside the TF-5 highway and offer high-speed connections between popular destinations in Santa Cruz of Tenerife y Los Realejos. Finally, and for now, the Western Train will probably circulate between Adeje e Icodeof the Wines.

This announcement could also promote a similar railway project in nearby GranCanaria, which would run along the eastern coast of the island and on which work has been going on for two decades. According to the Canarian regional government, both islands – the most populated in the tourist archipelago will see their rail projects started at the end of 2027.

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