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Space data centers: An imaginary product that could make Europe a space leader


This article was originally published in English

It may not be until 2036, but Europe is studying how to send data centers into space sustainably.


Since the takeoff of the artificial intelligence generative, demand for data centers has skyrocketed. However, given the scarcity of land and the need for energy, Europe is studying the possibility of send data centers to space in a commitment to data sovereignty and energy efficiency.

According to a recent study, it is technically, environmentally and economically viable to put into orbit data centers that consume less energy than what they would need if they were located on Earth.

“Today we can say that the results are very encouraging“said Damien Dumestier, studio director of ‘Thales Alenia Space’.

“We have found a solution that is technically viable, makes financial sense and is carbon footprintIt’s less shocking than on Earth“, he told ‘Euronews Next’.

The study lasted 16 months and cost 2 million euros. It was coordinated by ‘Thales Alenia Space’ on behalf of the European Commission.

Land appropriation

Data centers are the physical facilities that house an organization’s computer systems and large volumes of data, which can be retrieved anywhere in the world. They require a lot of energy to operate and keep refrigerated.

By 2026, data centers could consume a total of 1,000 terawatt-hours annually, according to estimates by the International Energy Agencyan organization that ensures that this figure is approximately equivalent to Japan electricity consumption.

The idea of ​​the spatial data center is that it can run on solar energywhich would consume less energy.

Such an ambitious project probably It would not be ready until 2036indicated Dumestier, and the issue is already at the door.

“There is a small group of incredibly powerful buyers who are hungry for data center space and have the pockets full of money“, explains to Euronews Next Kevin Restivo, head of European data center research at the real estate consultancy CBRE.

These buyers are big technology companies such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services and Google, known as ‘hyperscalers‘.

According to Restivo, there is a shortage of available energy in most European metropolitan markets, and it is increasingly difficult to find or obtain suitable land with access to a electrical supply powerful enough.

As a result, “we’re going to see data centers built in parts of European countries that haven’t had them before,” Restivo said, pointing to Microsoft’s land purchase in Yorkshire, northern England, where has guaranteed power on the ground.

A product of the imagination

Regarding the possibility of sending the data centers further away, send them to spaceis “a figment of the imagination, rather than a reality at this time,” Restivo said.

“However, I believe that research on data centers in space or underwater data centers “These are valuable initiatives,” he told Euronews Next, adding that “testing the parameters of data center development is crucial for the industry to grow.”

These developments could include the ability to source energy from other methods than be connected to the electrical networkor make data centers operate autonomously with minimal intervention.

The benefits of investigating ideas as far away as data centers space can also allow the development of other space technologiessuch as robotics or launchers.

For space data centers to be energy efficient, they would need a new type of launcher that produces 10 times less than carbon emissions, according to the study. Data centers too they would need to stay in orbit with rocket fuelso it might be necessary to find an alternative.


Dumestier assures that he is in talks with the French group Ariane and with a German space company, which affirm that obtaining a more environmentally friendly launcher It is not feasible in the very short termbut it could be in a few years.

Another issue is ensuring that spatial data centers do not add to the satellite accumulation‘missing’ and ‘forgotten’. According to Dumestier, data centers They will orbit at an altitude of about 1,400 kilometershigher than that of space satellites.

Ensure that spatial data centers have a long useful lifeand that the materials are reusable is key to meeting sustainability objectives.

Space data centers could return “data sovereignty to Europeans, and can give Europe a flagship deployment opportunity and make it become space sector leader“, he states.

“In terms of benefits, it represents a large accessible market and will open new doors to other applications“concludes Dumestier.


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