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Portugal: The PS wins the European elections and the extreme right gains access to the European Parliament


The socialists have won the elections by a very narrow margin, less than one percentage point. Thus, they have lost one seat compared to the previous EU elections and, in the next European Parliament they will have eight MEPs.


The Socialist Party, PS, has been the most voted in the community elections in Portugal and has obtained eight seats in the European Parliament, one more than AD. Chega remains the third political force, and has IL very close. Both parties achieve two representatives in the European Parliament. Bloc and CDU obtain one MEP each. Livre and PAN stay out of Europe.

The socialists have won the elections very little margin, less than one percentage point. Thus, they have lost one seat compared to the previous EU elections and, in the next European Parliament they will have eight MEPs.

The AD political formation has come in second place, less than 40,000 votes, winning seven seats and maintaining the number of MEPs that PSD and CDS achieved five years ago.

“The Socialist Party is today the first political force in Portugal“said the general secretary of the PS, Pedro Nuno Santos, in a national reading of the European elections. The socialist leader stressed that the victory of the PS was a warning to the AD Government.

“The strategy of a Government that ignore the opposition has been defeated in these elections,” he said.

“The Portuguese have shown, once again, that they trust the PS,” declared the socialist leader Marta Temido, stressing that it was “a women’s victory“.

Sebastião Bugalho, AD candidate, assumed “con democratic humility” Marta Temido’s victory, but assured, at the same time, that “it was not a day of defeat for AD.”

Bugalho also highlighted that the results allow the Portuguese delegation, which has secured seven MEPs, stay in the PPE.

The Prime Minister of Portugal, Luís Montenegro, acknowledged that AD “did not reach its goal“, but he stressed that he obtained “more votes than five or ten years ago.”

Arrives plummets

Chega, with 9.8% of the votes, remains the third political force in Portugal, although it suffered a strong fall regarding the legislative elections in March. André Ventura’s party placed two deputies in the European Parliament, as did the Liberal Initiative, which came in fourth place, less than 30,000 votes away. Chega obtained 9.1% of the votes. Both parties are making their debut in the European Parliament.

André Ventura, leader of Chega, took responsibility for the result, but refused to accept that the vote was a reflection of the positions of the electorate.

“They are completely different elections. Much fewer people have voted. We were not choosing the candidate for prime minister,” stressed Ventura, who refused to extrapolate it to the national level.

Tanger Corrêa, head of Chega’s list, acknowledged that “it was not a good day” for the match. As for Cotrim de Figueiredo, head of IL’s list, he spoke of “a great victory” and the “best result in history” for the party, promising that the liberals will continue to grow.

left fall

The Left Bloc came fifth, with around 4.3% of the vote, followed by the CDU, which received 5,000 fewer votes than the BI. Both political forces reduced their representation in Europefrom two to one MEP.

“This is a moment of struggle for all of Europe,” declared Catarina Martins, candidate of the Left Bloc, promising to combat the extreme right.

João Oliveira, communist candidate, assures that he will bring “the voice of the people” to the European Parliamentin the name of “a Portugal more democraticdeveloped and sovereign”.

Livre and PAN are out of Europe

Livre, which had been one of the positive surprises in the March parliamentary elections in Portugal, when it exceeded 200,000 votes, achieved just 3.8%. dlowered the number of votes of the last community electionsbut it was not enough for him to debut in the European Parliament.

“It’s a sad night,” confessed Francisco Paupério, Livre’s main candidate.


Also outside of Europe is the PAN party, which It didn’t even reach 50,000 votes.when in 2019 it had obtained close to 170,000 votes, and was even surpassed by ADN, a party that obtained 1.4% of the votes.

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