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Our water footprint: knowing the hidden use of water in Europe


Our water consumption continues to increase, from the food we eat to the technology we use. In this intensive course we will explore the concept of water footprint. How different industries contribute to it and what the EU is doing to make our consumption more sustainable.

Water is a critical resource, not only for our direct consumption but also for almost all the products we use and consume. The concept of Water footprint measures the amount of fresh water we use to produce goods and services, and is increasingly important given concerns about water scarcityclimate change and excessive consumption.

What is the water footprint?

The water footprint measures the total volume of freshwater used directly and indirectly by people or communities. It covers water used in everyday activities such as drinking, showering, and the production of food, clothing, and other goods.

The water footprint is classified into three types:

  • Ecological water footprint: The amount of used rainwater (consumed or evaporated) in the direct or indirect use of water. It is especially high in agricultural production.
  • Blue water footprint: The amount of fresh water used (consumed or evaporated) in direct or indirect water use.
  • Gray water footprint: The volume of fresh water needed to dilute contaminants so that the requirements are met. water quality standards. This is a characteristic of many industries, such as fuel, agriculture and fashion.

Sectors with high water footprint

The production of everyday items usually involves a considerable amount of water. For example, make a cotton t-shirt or a kilo of chocolate. Below are the sectors with the largest water footprint.


Agriculture is the largest consumer of waterwith a extensive use in irrigation, livestock maintenance and food processing. For example, producing one kilo of beef requires about 15,000 liters of water, due to the large amount of water needed to grow livestock feed. Furthermore, 17,000 liters of water are needed to produce one kilo of chocolate. According to 2019 statistics, Europe produced 3.7 million tons of chocolatewhich is equivalent to a whopping 63,625,200,000 liters of water.

Energy production

He energy sector It also has a high water footprint. Significant amounts of water are used in the cooling processes of nuclear and fossil fuel plants, as well as in the cultivation of biofuels. Some forms of hydropower can consume more than 1,000 times more water than wind power.

Textile and fashion

The textile industryespecially cotton cultivation and fabric dyeing, uses large volumes of water. It is estimated that the production of a single cotton T-shirt requires 2,700 liters of water, the same amount needed to meet a person’s drinking needs for 2.5 years.

Other sectors with a large water footprint

  • Technology industry – uses water to manufacture electronics and cool data centers.
  • Beverage industry – depends on water for production, cleaning and packaging.
  • Mining and metals – It needs water for the extraction and refining processes.
  • The paper and pulp industry – uses water in processing and cleaning.
  • The automobile sector – You need water to assemble and paint vehicles.
  • The chemical industry – uses water in reactions, as a coolant and in wastewater treatment, contributing significantly to the gray water footprint.

Be more aware of water

Understanding and managing our water footprint will be crucial if we want to tackling global water shortages y promote its sustainable use. Reducing this footprint will require a collective effort from individuals, companies and governments, but also effective policies that protect and preserve water resources for the future.

From 2023, EU companies with activities in Europe They are required to disclose information about their water use and water resources. The block has two corporate sustainability directives designed to mitigate the environmental impact of excessive water use and pollution.

Directive on due diligence on corporate sustainability

This directive requires companies to identify and address potential and actual adverse environmental impacts, including its water footprint, within its operations, subsidiaries and value chains. Companies must mitigate their negative impact on human rights and the environment, including excessive water consumption or damage to ecosystems.

Directive on corporate sustainability reporting

This directive obliges companies to reveal all important environmental factorsincluding their impacts and dependencies on climate, air, land, water and biodiversity.

These directives are intended promote sustainable water management practices across all industries and reduce the global water footprint, ensuring a sustainable future for Europe’s water resources.

Other key figures

  • The daily energy consumption of an average EU citizen requires 1301 liters of water, Enough to fill more than six large bathtubs.
  • The United States is the largest consumer of water in the worldwith an average water footprint of 2842 cubic meters per capita.

Learn more about water

‘Euronews’ and the European Commission have partnered to promote the EU Water Wise campaign, #WaterWiseEU. Our series, ‘Water Matters‘, and the EU campaign aim to raise awareness about the increasing stress on European water systems and the need for sustainable water management. ‘Water Matters’ will delve into various topics related to water, highlighting the importance of protecting nature and the ecosystems that are part of the water cycle. Through attractive content, ‘Euronews’ and the European Commission hope to be able inspire people and communities so that they become #WaterWiseEU.

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