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More injuries and more serious damage to buildings in Kharkiv due to incessant Russian bombing


Ukrainian authorities continue evacuations in the village of Kozacha Lopan, a town in the Kharkiv region, which is just two kilometers away from the border with Russia.


At least six people They were injured and 13 residential buildings were severely damaged after the Russian military forces dropped a KAB-500 bomb on a residential area of ​​Kostiantinivka. Four of the injured had to be hospitalized. For several weeks, Kostiantinivka has been the target of regular attacks by Russian troops. As a result of a bombing, on Monday, the windows and balconies of some blocks of floors were destroyed and a residential building collapsed.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities continue evacuations in the village of Kozacha Lopan, a town in the Kharkiv region, which is just two kilometers away from the border with Russia. At the moment, there are still about 500 residents there, despite the intense fighting which take place less than 15 kilometers from the town, in the direction of Lipetsk, while the Russians try to take control of the neighboring community.

On Tuesday, 13 residents of Kozacha Lopan were evacuated. Some of them went to their relatives’ houses, in Kharkov, and others were housed in a residence prepared to accommodate them. In the last month, some 1,000 people have abandoned the Kozacha Lopan Starosta district, due to the constant attacks aerial attacks of Russian troops that are registered in the area.

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