Home Uncategorized How to avoid the top five sources of microplastics in your home

How to avoid the top five sources of microplastics in your home


This article was originally published in English

These everyday household items could be leaching microplastics into your diet.


Microplastics have become so widespread that it is difficult to keep track of them.

It is tiny particlescome from the decomposition of plastics larger in size and are related to heart attacksproblems of fertility y cancer. Recent research also suggests that they could reduce the count sperm.

According to a 2019 Canadian study, humans consume up to 52,000 microplastic particles per year.

The kitchen as the first line of defense

Last month, interest in microplastics skyrocketed, with searches reaching a record score of 100 on Google Trends, according to the German environmental organization CleanHub.

And study from the University of New Mexico sparked global interest, with many seeking information about how microplastics enter the body and ways to reduce or eliminate them.

Although these particles are omnipresent in the environmentthere are numerous sources that contribute to their presence and alternatives to help avoid them, starting with your kitchen.

The 5 products to avoid to reduce exposure to microplastics and how to replace them

5. Plastic cutting boards could transfer microplastics to food

According to a study by the American Chemical Society, cutting boards alone could expose humans to up to 79.4 million microplasticsof polypropylene – a type of plastic polymer – per year.

This means that using a plastic cutting board could increase the transfer of microplastics to food.

cutting boards tempered glass They are an affordable alternative, easy to clean and usually free of microplastics.

Some brands also offer plastic-free cutting boards made from durable paper fibers.

4. Microwave-safe food containers can release microplastics when heated

Plastic products labeled “suitable for microwave“can release significant amounts of microplastics into food when heated.

A study carried out in 2023 by researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln discovered even 4 million microplastics per square centimeter in certain baby foods packaged in “microwave-safe” plastic.

Under a microscope, these particles were found to kill up to 75% of cultured kidney cells, raising fears of possible repercussions on human health.

Another good practice is to avoid products packaged with phthalates, styrene and bisphenols, which are types of chemical substances associated with various plastics, as suggested by a document from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

3. How to keep microplastics out of ice cubes

Just as microplastics are found in thebottled water, plastic ice trays could also cause contamination.

Although there is less research on this, freezing plastic can cause microplastics leach into the water, similar to the process observed with heated plastics, according to an associate professor interviewed by the American health portal HealthCentral.

In recent years, a more sustainable option has become popular: stainless steel ice cube trays. These not only improve the aesthetics of the drinks, but they cool faster, which means that they freeze faster.

Likewise, the silicone ice cube trays They are promoted as a sustainable alternative that many consider healthier and easier for creating ice.


2. Why paper cups aren’t really a sustainable option

Although paper cups are supposed to be more environmentally friendly, they surprisingly contribute to plastic pollution. These glasses require a waterproofing layer, typically consisting of up to 10% high-density polyethylene, to prevent liquid leaks.

Recycle Paper cups are problematic due to the need to separate the waterproofing layer from the paper, which complicates the process.

But that is not all. There are alternatives But using paper cups for hot drinks can cause the release of various chemicals, as highlighted by a 2021 study published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials, including fluoride, chloride, sulfate y nitrate.

Choose a reusable stainless steel thermos Not only does it benefit the environment, but it also reduces exposure to microplastics.

1. Tea bags could introduce microplastics into your morning brew

Surprisingly, many tea bags They are made of polypropylene plastic unsustainable, and even paper tea bags may contain plastic debris in the waterproofing.


This often means that they are not biodegradable and contribute to pollution by microplastics.

In 2023, research published by the Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, raised concerns about how hot water used to brew tea can release millions of microplastics from these bags, revealing that a single cup of tea could contain up to 3.1 billion nanoplastics due to the tea bag.

Tea bags may contain other harmful substances, such as compounds of fluorine, arsenic, radium salts, aluminum, copper, lead, mercury, cadmium, barium and nitrates.

Fortunately, the loose tea leaves They are regaining popularity, and there are numerous sustainable alternatives for preparing tea, such as using a cast iron teapot, ceramic teapot, or a metal strainer.

The Coalition Against Plastic Pollution even recommends using tea bags cotton or strain the tea through organic linen.


With these small adjustments, your kitchen can be less exposed to the risk of microplastic contamination, as discussed further in the article from the organization dedicated to promoting anti-plastic strategies CleanHub.

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