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Amsterdam plans to ban cruise ships in the city center: What will it mean for tourists?


This article was originally published in English

If the project is approved, cruise ships will not be able to enter the center of Amsterdam from 2035.


The authorities of Amsterdam take new measures to combat excessive tourism and they plan to move the terminal passenger cruises from the city to the outskirts of the town. Thus, in 2035, no ship will be able to dock in the emblematic Dutch city.

The announcement comes amid plans that aim reduce almost by half The number of cruise ships authorized to dock at the Amsterdam Passenger Terminal.

Currently, the number allowed is 190 boats, but this is planned to be reduced to a maximum of 100 from 2026. It has been agreed that Rotterdam, in the south, will host more than 40 boats that are not welcome in Amsterdam.

Why have the Amsterdam authorities made this decision?

By 2027, all ships at the Amsterdam terminal must exclusively use electric power from a ground source to reduce your environmental impact.

“With these measures, the city puts into practice the wish of the Municipal Council of put an end to the cruise terminal of Amsterdam,” said a spokesperson for the Amsterdam City Council. “The ban on Cruises “It is also part of a broad package of measures to limit the growth of tourism and combat nuisance,” he added.

Maritime cruises are a form of polluting tourism and contribute to crowding and carbon dioxide emissions in the city. By limiting sea cruises, requiring electrical energy from a ground source and intend for the cruise terminal to be moved from its current location in 2035, the council is responsibly implementing the council’s proposal to put an end to sea cruises,” explains the city’s deputy mayor, Hester van Buren.

What will the ban mean for Amsterdam as a tourist hub?

Although the plans will undoubtedly contribute to improving the environmental conditions of Amsterdam, there are concerns that income generated by tourism suffer a sharp decline. It is believed that, at reduce the number of passengers of cruise ships and shipping companies in the city, museums, restaurants, shops and tourism businesses could lose out. Amsterdam City Council has recognized this potential problem.

“For the city this means less income, because less is collected from tourist taxes and a lower dividend payment as a shareholder in the port authority,” says a spokesperson for the political authorities. “The financial consequences of the decision will be included in the next budget memorandum. “No consequences of this decision are expected in the 2025 budget,” he adds.

Currently, Cruises They contribute to the city 105 million euros annually in terms of economic benefits and, despite the planned move, experts say this is unlikely to change much.

Amsterdam receives about 21 million visitors per year, of which only 1% arrive by cruise ship. Although the passengers do not reach the city centeryou can visit it thanks to the excellent public transport system in the Netherlands.

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