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Why do thousands of Hungarians choose to work in Austria? They cause border chaos


Thousands of Hungarians cross the border into Austria every day to work, attracted by high wages, but new restrictions on border crossings are causing chaos and legal conflicts.


More than 120,000 Hungarians work in Austria, mostly in the service and trade sectors, earning salaries twice that at home. This continuous workflow Border crossings at critical pointsespecially in Sopron, where traffic problems have intensified lately.

Restrictions in Burgenland create chaos at the border

Austria’s Burgenland region in recent weeks closed many roads reducing traffic and preserving the peace of residents. According to local accounts, these measures caused traffic congestion from the early hours of the morning. “A lot of drivers are taking shortcuts through town,” one resident said, reflecting the impact on small communities near the border crossing.

In response, many municipalities in Austria began closing popular intersections to prevent vehicles from passing through. One of the most controversial restrictions was applied at the border crossing. Ágfalva and SchattendorfDrivers must purchase a mandatory sticker of 160 euros to pass. But a few technical problems prevented its useleaving many workers without alternatives.

Mandatory alternatives and legal dispute continues

The lack of accessibility led many workers to park near the border and cross on foot or bicycle to get to their jobs in Schattendorf. This made a change Criticism and triggered legal action by an international law firm Lawyers who sued the municipality for compensation.

They claim that workers had to walk more than 30 kilometers to cross the street, which violated their rights. However, the Austrian State Court rejected this claim in the first instance court. leaving those affected without a clear solution while the problem persists.

These restrictions are only affects the daily lives of thousands of workersBut it also creates tension between neighboring countries. Meanwhile, the need to find a balance between labor mobility and local quality of life remains a challenge for both countries.

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