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What would the ideal couple be like in each country according to artificial intelligence?


This article was originally published in English

When it comes to finding the right partner, what do people really look for? A new global study breaks down physical and character attributes, with the help of artificial intelligence.


Andy Warhol considered that “The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.“. Warhol may be right, since the people you will see in this article do not exist in reality, which eliminates the possibility of knowing them. However, their faces reveal the most common physical traits that people apparently look for in a romantic couple.

The sexy lingerie brandIn my opinion has conducted a global survey of more than 3,000 participants to determine the distinctive features that attract people the mostand has used this information to visualize what these people look like, with features that vary from one nation to another.

You’ve probably already guessed that artificial intelligence, specifically ‘Midjourney’, was asked to help view the most attractive romantic couples in eight different countries.

In this article we will focus on European nations, but you can consult the full study here if you are curious to know what couples are like’more sexually attractive‘ in Australia, Canada, India, South Africa and the United States.


According to the study commissioned by the firm ‘Pour Moi’, the ideal French man should have facial hair, wrinkles (the so-called ‘crow’s feet’ are in fashion), light brown eyes and dark hair. Also, according to the image, a fiery look that possesses the intensity of a ‘serial killer’.

In the case of French women, some of the features that make them most attractive are light blonde hair with bangs, ‘delicate’ facial features, big lips, and big blue eyes that can appear too vacant.


For Italian men, ‘messy’ light brown hair is a must, while some ‘charming green eyes’ and tattoos appear in the top positions as the most attractive features.

Facial hair is also in fashion. Many women find the gentleman with the captivating smile and freckles on his face who appears in the photograph above very, very attractive, although some find him the tattoo is a little disconcerting that he has on his neck. A tattoo that seems to be very angry because of the large number of smiles that its owner allows himself.

As for the women, the brown hair, The hazel eyes, the piercings in the ears and a striking red lipstick are the most common traits of the ideal couple. So, if she looks like actress and model Gal Gadot, everything will be fine.


Short curly hair and a ‘square’ jaw are essential to the British men’s beauty canon, as are facial hair and height. Once again, freckles seem to be a common attractive trait, as can be attested to by the resemblance of the man who appears in the photo above to the actor Richard Madden.

According to British people who are attracted to women, the most sexually attractive traits British women can have are a long hair with shades close to honeybrown eyes and a kind look, and light brown skin.

What about personality in this whole beauty canon?

In the end, always They have made us believe that what counts is the inside. If not, could it be that the ‘Sesame Street’ characters have also lied to us?

Fortunately, the study doesn’t stop at physical attributes when it comes to global attractions. Thus, the survey reveals that a sense of humor is the personality trait that most attracts couples around the world, since almost two thirds (60%) of those surveyed place it in first place.

Almost half (49%) of respondents worldwide said that ‘consideration’ is a sexy trait in a partnerwhile ‘intelligence’ ranked third among the most desired qualities, with 28% of those looking for a romantic partner wanting to find someone with whom they can have ‘stimulating’ conversations.

‘Appearance’ completes the top five, with one in four respondents (25%) stating that it is something that influences when falling in love of a partner, followed by ‘smell’ (17%).


The ‘Top 10’ according to the study:

  1. Sense of humor (60%)
  2. Consideration (49%)
  3. Intelligence (28%)
  4. Appearance (25%)
  5. Odor (17%)
  6. Stocks (16%)
  7. Manners (15%)
  8. Dress style (11%)
  9. Voice/accent (10%)
  10. Height (10%)

Other characteristics that narrowly missed out on the ‘Top 10’ are proactivity (7%), taking control (6%), have money or your financial situation (5%) and job/career (4%).

The study adds that, when it comes to people between 25 and 34 years old, some qualities stand out more than in older generations. Among them, good taste when dressing stands out, use a good perfume and proactivity, and more than one in five respondents (21%) consider that actions speak louder than words.

Older generations prefer traits such as ‘consideration’, with more than half of those over 55 considering it one of the main traits they are attracted to in a partner, as well as have a partner who thinks about the little things.

They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.and it seems that may be true, since the results show a wide variety of traits that people consider sexually attractive,” said Marina Nicoli, director of Marketing from the firm ‘Pour Moi’.


“This is what we hoped to achieve by conducting this research, we wanted to shed light on how attraction vbeyond the stereotypical appearance which many believe is the perfect body,” he adds.

Natural traits

Nicoli adds: “It is promising to see that various natural features They are among the most notable features. ‘Crow’s feet’ feature prominently in France, which can make a man look distinguished, and freckles and natural beauty also proved popular.”

“Although the physique is what attracts people the mostit’s great to see that a sense of humor and thoughtfulness are the personality factors that attract the most, since personality can keep the spark alive,” concludes Marina Nicoli.

Do you think ‘Midjourney’ has set the too high bar with this type of beauty? Or, on the other hand, is it just the echoes of our genetic curse, even if we secretly applaud the fact that ‘crow’s feet’ are apparently irresistible?


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