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Von der Leyen says Central Europe plays key role in EU defense sector


At an international conference on security held in Prague, the leader of the EU Executive, Ursula von der Leyen, reiterated this Friday the importance of strengthening the Defense of the bloc of 27 and highlighted that Central Europe plays a strategic role in that task.


The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyenstated this Friday that Europa Central will play a key role in promoting development at the community level in the area of Defensebefore the expected appointment of a specific commissioner for that portfolio.

During the opening of GLOBESEC this Friday, a international security conference held in PragueVon der Leyen stated that the EU has not done enough to boost its own weapons production capacity, given the geopolitical threats that loom over the Old Continent, in particular Russia’s war against Ukraine.

“We Europeans must be alert. We must refocus our attention on the security dimension of everything we do. We must consider our union like a intrinsically safe project y Europa Central has a papel crucial to play,” Von der Leyen said during her speech at the event.

Continental reinforcement to the Defense industry

At the conference, Von der Leyen said that a systematic review of the Defense of Europe, as the EU develops production in line with continental dimensions.

The protection of Europe is, above all, a duty of the continent itself, stated Von der Leyen, who specified that, although the I’LL TAKE must continue to constitute the central core of the defense, a strongest European pillar. Von der Leyen added that this was the reason why a defense commissioner of the EU in full in the next Community Executive.

Under the motto ‘Taming the storm’, the conference will continue until Sunday and will feature the participation of some 2,000 guests coming from more than 70 countries. Among them, several heads of State and Government, as well as Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs, are expected.

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