Home Sports Video. No comments: a horse from a pond in NY is sad...

Video. No comments: a horse from a pond in NY is sad to save


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The 590 kilos horse fell into ice in a pond in the north of New York state, but then it was rescued.

Sly, a horse, which is practically a horse with 590 kilos, fell from the ice of a pond in the north of the state of New York before it was rescued by a police, neighbor and owners Ali Ernst team. HE He found him in ice waterHe raised his head and asked for help. Agent Kyle Clinton first arrived, then more savior They used ropes to be sneaky.

Initially HypothermicThe veterinarian recovered after attracting attention And get better at home. In order to avoid accidents in the future, Ernst set up an electric fence around the pond, making sure that his horses could no longer walk around the ice.

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