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The Venezuelan opposition speaks of voices critical of Nicolás Maduro among the Army commanders


‘Euronews’ speaks with the opposition leader and former vice president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Pablo Guanipa, while the Organization of American States meets to address the situation in the country and after Lula da Silva has proposed a repeat election.


Venezuela still in one limit situation when almost three weeks have passed questioned elections that gave victory to Nicolás Maduro between accusations of fraud by the opposition and the international community.

The victory of Edmundo González Urrutiademonstrated after the publication of the electoral records by the Command for Venezuelathe opposition group formed by several parties that organized to supervise the electoral process Due to the fear that it was not transparent, it has been recognized by practically the entire American region.

However, there are three countries that have become the dissonant note: Mexico, Colombia and Brazil. Their leftist governments, international allies of Nicolás Maduroare reluctant to condemn electoral fraud, although this Friday the Brazilian president has been critical of Chavismo.

Lula da Silva has assured during an interview that “Venezuela is experiencing a very unpleasant regime, with an authoritarian tendency“He states this after proposing a repeat election in the country, something to which he has joined Colombian leader Gustavo Petro. Lula also proposes a coalition government, something the opposition refuses.

“A coalition government with Nicolás Maduro as president It’s barbaric, unnatural, it doesn’t make sense and we’re not going to do it.“, says the former vice president of the Venezuelan National Assembly and leader of the opposition party bluntly in statements to ‘Euronews’. First Justice, Pablo Guanipa.

Regarding Lula’s other proposal, Guanipa also expresses his disagreement. “I refuse a repeat election because they were already made with an abysmal difference, too big. Maduro was beaten, There is no point in repeating that process.“he adds.

This Friday the Organization of American States meets again after learning of Lula and Petro’s proposal to address the lack of democracy in Venezuela hoping to make a joint statement, something that was impossible in the previous meeting held after the elections.

What does the OAS declaration say about Venezuela?

The draft of the draft resolution, to which this media has had access, urges the National Electoral Center to “publish the minutes with the voting results of the presidential elections at the level of each polling station” as the opposition has done.

This week there was talk of a possible negotiation between Washington and Caracas to agree on the departure of Nicolás Maduro of power peacefully and recognizing the victory of González Urrutia in exchange for an amnesty.

Maduro “aspires to gain time”

The White House He denied the possible amnesty, but has not denied that talks may be being held with Miraflores. “As for a possible departure of Maduro in exchange for an amnesty from the US, I think it is not possible because Maduro is in his trench and aspires to gain time,” says the former governor of the State of Zulia.

And in that entrenchment, the Chavista leader has the protection of the National Guard, the Army and other powers of the State, such as the Supreme Court or his own National Electoral Center (CNE)despite the fact that they should be independent bodies that acted as a counterweight.

They are so connected to each other that “the president of the highest body judicial was a PSUV candidate, Maduro’s party, in local elections,” Guanipa explains to us. This suggests that no body in the country is going to question the result announced by the CNE.

However, the leader of Justice First He states in this interview with ‘Euronews’ that critical voices are beginning to be heard among the military. “We know that things are happening within the ranks,” he says.

Anti-regime positions in the Army

Guanipa refers to possible positions contrary to the regime on the part of the Army. “Not in high command, totally committed to Nicolas Maduro for matters that have to do with power and moneybut in middle management,” he explains.

“There is much more awareness of what is happening in the country in middle management. Just as we have internal pressure and international pressure, We aspire for pressure mechanisms to emerge from within to get them to recognize the electoral result,” he says.


Could be arrested at any time

Juan Pablo Guanipa attends this interview from an undetermined place, since could be arrested at any time before the wave of repression that the Venezuelan Government has launched.

Other opposition politicians whom he knows are currently behind bars. This is the case of the former governor of Mérida, Williams Dávila, arrested during a vigil in which he prayed for democracy; the former deputy Americo de Gracia; the coordinator of Vente Venezuela, Maria Oropeza; or the head of the opposition campaign, Freddy Superlano.

“Began the most infamous repression of recent years in Venezuela“says Juan Pablo Guanipa with fear, insisting that “not only the leaders are persecuted, but also the citizens.”

According to the NGO Foro Penal 1,406 people have already been arrested in the countryof which 117 are teenagers. The number, according to Amnesty International, exceeds 2,000 detainees. This Saturday it has been called a large demonstration in favor of democracy in which it is expected that there will be new arrests.


“They persecute a person because they made a video, because they have a record, because they were a witness or member of a panel. After being arrested they are extorted“, Juan Pablo Guanipa explains to us.

“Of course I fear for my life”

About his possible detention in a country accused of Amnesty international of not respecting human rights, Guanipa claims to be afraid for his possible arrest on the same Saturday if he attends one of these marches. “Of course I fear for my life,” he says.

“We have the right to be afraid, It is logical because we are under siege for a dictatorship. The problem is how to combat it. “We are fighting for a country kidnapped by a group of criminals,” she laments, claiming to have “very excited that we are going to move forward.”

Demonstrations in other parts of the world

In other capitals of the world, such as Madrid, Washington o Bogotáthese demonstrations will also take place. And they will be done with guarantees and in freedom, to cry out for the human rights and democracy in Venezuela.


In this context, Caracas will protest on Saturday between repression and fear without the world being able to see it easily after the ban of social network X in the country and the detention of journalists or the censorship of international media; and Juan Pablo Guanipa will continue hiding in an undetermined location without being able to walk calmly down the street.

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