Home Sports The invaluable work of volunteers to shine the Olympic Games

The invaluable work of volunteers to shine the Olympic Games


Thanks to their iconic green uniforms and unwavering enthusiasm, the volunteers have become the other stars of the Olympic Games.


Son four times as numerous than athletes, and are essential for the proper functioning of the Paris Olympic Games. More than 45,000 volunteers from 155 countries work tirelessly to guarantee the best experience for visitors.

This is the case of Axelle, 19 years old, whose job consists of help guide touristswhile taking some photos.

“Paris has become a very festive citysomething I had not experienced before. There are no more grumpy and grumpy people. Everyone is in a good mood, everyone is happy to be here. The atmosphere is incredible. The people is so kind. For many, it is the first time they leave their home countries and travel to Europe and Paris. So, it’s a journey for everyone,” declares Axelle, Paris Olympic Games volunteer.

Thank you to your iconic green uniforms and due to their unwavering enthusiasm, the volunteers have become the other stars of the Olympic Games.

“They bring such good vibes to everyone that you feel very welcome in Paris, thanks to the volunteers. “It’s fantastic!” says Nicole, a visitor from the Netherlands.

The organizers provide food and transportation tickets to The volunteerswho They do not charge for their servicesdo not receive free tickets to any of the events, they must find accommodation on their own.

Despite this, Leena decided to travel from the United Kingdom to participate in the Olympic event. Although her company, which collaborates with the Games, paid for her transportation, she has had to spend hundreds of euros on accommodation and use your vacation days. According to her, the experience is priceless.

“I feel like I’ve accomplished something. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. I feel like I can go home and be happy. It’s made my year, and the people of Paris have made it even better,” says Leena, a volunteer from the United Kingdom.

Sometimes, The volunteers who scan the tickets at the competition venues manage to take a look and be around some of your favorite athletes.

“When we have a few free minutes during our break, we can go in to see the competitions and the athletes in action. It’s something wonderful to witness,” says Fouad, a volunteer at the Paris Olympics.

The three volunteers They plan to repeat the experience and take part in the next Olympic Gamesin 2028, in Los Angeles.

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