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Sánchez will allocate 50 million to the Canary Islands to alleviate the urgent 126% increase in migrants


The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, is trying to reach an agreement with the Popular Party to reform the Immigration Law. The Government commits that the extra money that the islands will receive to care for unaccompanied minors will be “at least” 50 million.


Pedro Sancheztry reform immigration laws. The president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijoannounces that Sánchez has ordered “intensify“the contacts to reach an agreement with the PP on the reform of the Immigration Law. All of this consequence of migratory pressure from Africa.

The arrival of migrants to the Canary Islands has increased by 126%. Until August 15, 22,304 people had arrived in the Canary Islands, 126% more than in the same period in 2023, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior.

This commitment has been assumed by the Central Executive after the meeting held this Friday in La Palma between the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezand the head of the Canarian Executive, Fernando Clavijoand whose content has been informed to the media by the Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Angel Victor Torres.

Torres has ruled out regulating the referral of minors by decree law and has insisted on the modification of the Immigration Law as “the only possible solution”, but for this it is essential that it be approved by a majority in the Congress of Deputies and, he has admitted, it cannot be considered “neither optimistic nor pessimistic” regarding the result of the negotiations with the Popular Party.

The difficult task of “redistributing” arriving immigrants

After holding a meeting this Friday with the President of the Government in La Palma, Fernando Clavijo has trusted that this agreement, so that the communities have to welcome unaccompanied immigrant minors even if they have not arrived in their territoriescan be achieved in the next two weeks

For this reason he has insisted that we must change the Immigration Law with a modification that, after being negotiated between the central and Canarian Executives, was “unfortunately” stopped in the Congress of Deputies on July 23rd.

It is It is the fastest and most urgent mechanism to guarantee the immediate distribution of minors. The Spanish Government wants to continue advancing in the dialogue so that this modification is feasible. in septemberTorres added.

The central Executive has also shown itself willing to address this matter in the next Conference of Presidentsscheduled for September in Cantabriasomething that also shares Fernando Clavijo.

The Government sees legislative reform as urgent

Torres has shown himself open to closing this amount, with the participation of the Ministry of Finance, so that the Canary Islands have “an important relief” in addressing the immigration situation.

But he has also stressed that in the same way that the central government is responsible for adult migrants, The guardianship of unaccompanied minors is the responsibility of the autonomous communities. and therefore the Spanish Government cannot derive them on its own, since would be outside the constitutional scope.

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