Home Sports Samarkand Congress shows Tashkent Center of Islamic Civilization

Samarkand Congress shows Tashkent Center of Islamic Civilization


In this episode of Cult, we see Uzbekistan’s bold vision for the Islamic Civilization Center in Tashkent and immerse ourselves in the vibrant culture of Uzbekistan at the “Shark Taronalari” festival, which celebrates traditional Uzbek music.


At the 8th International Congress “The Legacy of the Great Ancestors: The Foundation of the Third Renaissance” in Samarkand, we learn more about Uzbekistan’s ambitious plan to build the Center of Islamic Civilization in Tashkent.

Scholars from around the world have gathered to showcase innovative work related to the project, including a 3D reconstruction of ancient Akhsiket and a facsimile album of 114 historical Qurans.

We also discovered another demonstration of Uzbekistan’s rich cultural heritage at the “Shark Taronalari” festival, which celebrates traditional Uzbek music.

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