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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. abandons his presidential candidacy and endorses Trump for the White House


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Kennedy Jr. is the son of the late Attorney General and Senator Robert Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy, both heavyweights in the history of the Democratic Party. He acknowledged that his decision to support Trump had caused tensions in his family.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspends his presidential candidacy independent y instead supports Donald Trump in November race for the White House. Kennedy Jr. commented in a speech Friday that he will seek to remove his name from the ballot in battleground states because he believes his presence in his race would help his Democratic rival Kamala Harris.

“Many months ago, I promised the American people that I would withdraw from the race if I became a killjoy. A killjoy is someone who is going to alter the outcome of the election, but has no chance of winning. Deep down, I no longer believe I have a realistic path to electoral victory in the face of this relentless systematic censorship and control of the media,” he declared.

“Our polls consistently showed that by remaining on the ballot in battleground states, would probably hand the election to the Democratswith whom I disagree on the most existential issues: censorship, war and chronic illnesses.

Kennedy Jr. said his supporters can continue to support him in most states where they are unlikely to influence the outcome. He has taken steps to withdraw his candidacy in at least two states later this weekArizona and Pennsylvania.

He said the measure was taken after conversations with Donald Trump in recent weeks and told reporters that he is now throwing out his “support for President Trump.”

Tensions in the Kennedy family due to this support for Trump

Before the speech, his campaign had said in a Pennsylvania court filing that it would support Trump for president. However, a spokesman for Kennedy Jr. said the court filing had been made in error.

Five Kennedy relatives They issued a statement on Friday in which They described his support for Trump as a “sad end to a sad story” y They reiterated their support for Harris. Campaigning in Las Vegas, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said it was a “great honor” to receive Kennedy’s endorsement.

The Kennedy Jr. and Trump campaigns have stepped up their praise for each other in recent weeks. Both campaigns have been accusing Democrats of instrumentalizing the judicial system for months for your own benefit.

And both have publicly hinted that they might be willing to join forces, with the common goal of limit Harris’ chances. The US presidential elections will take place on November 5.

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