Home Sports Putin blames Kiev of not cooperating with Russia.

Putin blames Kiev of not cooperating with Russia.


This article was initially published English

Speaking about possible speeches before, the Russian President stressed that any peace agreement should respect the “facts on the ground”. Zelenski said that he was “not legitimized” to guide these conversations.


Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed that Russia is willing to negotiate with Ukraine, but There is no “desire to solve problems in Ukraine legal. “If there is a desire to negotiate and find solution The commitment, everyone carries out these negotiations, Put Putin said.

“But for the signing of the documents, of course, everything must be approved by lawyers. legitimacy Persons authorized by the Ukrainian State Signing these agreements“.

Russian President Ukraine President Volumirir Zelenski is not “legitimate” to guide these conversations. “You can negotiate with everyone, but you have no right to sign anything because it is illegitimate. But if you want to participate in negotiations, I will appoint the right people to direct them.”

Previously, while talking about possible conversations, the Russian President stressed that he should make any peace agreement. Respect the “facts on the ground”. Ukraine in June Give up your candidacy for NATO And his forces are completely withdrawn from Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporiya and Jersón, the regions he annexed in September 2022.

Moscow also wants Remove Western sanctions A harsh coup attacked the Russian economy with access to the world markets of Moscow.

Ukrainian President Zelenski asked for the first peace formula. Total Russian withdrawal of all occupied regionsHowever, it then softened its position as Moscow and no longer puts this retreat as a condition for speeches.

Zelenski, The global agreement is not only the temporary stopping of hostilities that allow Russia to replace the ammunition. He pressured to exhibit Western troops in Ukraine as peace forces. Putin also refused the ceasefire He temporarily said that Russian troops were carrying out an attack and that any war cuts would allow Ukraine to receive reinforcements and materials.

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