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Maria Callas, Da Vinci or Rivers and Birds: This will be future tickets in 2026 Euro


ECB chose two main themes and reason for future tickets as euro. An offer includes historical figures such as Beethoven, Callas and Da Vinci, other European institutions and the environment.


The European Central Bank’s Management Council (ECB) chose designs to show two possible issues of future tickets in “European Culture: Shared Cultural Fields” and “Rivers and Birds: Diversity Durability”.

European culture“Focuses on shared cultural fields and extraordinary European personalities.”Rivers and birds“It focuses on the flexibility and diversity of the natural world completed by European institutions.

During the Euro zone, the decision benefited from the contributions of two multidisciplinary advisory groups and Preferences on issues expressed by more than 365,000 Europeans In the summer of 2023 and in public opinion polls conducted in discussion groups between December 2021 and March 2022.

“We are pleased to present these real reasons that reflect our loyalty to Europe and celebrate their natural environment,” ECB President Christine Lagarde said. He said. “New tickets will symbolize Our shared European identity And what makes us strong is the diversity.

Themes selected for “European Culture: Shared Culture Areas” theme

The theme of “European Culture” is celebrating common cultural areas that have shaped European identity for centuries. The reasons for this problem explain the ECB and represent various cultural activities and fields and symbolized European characters that contribute to the cultural heritage of Europe. Their lives, their lives, travel and work on our continent, covers six centuries and their achievements echo worldwide.

  • 5 euro ticketsNatural Arts. Front face: Maria Callas. Behind: Street artists (music/dance/theater) Fun paths.
  • 10 euro ticketsMusical motive. Front face: Ludwig van Beethoven. Back: Festival of the song with songs and songs singing by young people.
  • 20 euro ticketsUniversity minds and schools. Antwerp: Marie Curie. Back: A school or university with teachers and young students. There are laptops and books on the tables.
  • 50 euro ticketsWhy libraries. Front face: Miguel de Cervantes. Back: A library that reads paper and digital books with some adults. A man and a girl in front of a shelf trying to buy a book.
  • 100 euro ticketsMind museums and exhibitions. Front face: Leonardo da Vinci. Back: Some examples of street art, contemporary art, etc.
  • 200 euro ticketsPublic frames. Front face: Bertha von Suttner. Posterior Piece: The conversation of adults and children, which allows people to meet, walks, playing, etc.

Causes for “Rivers and Birds: Diversity resistance” theme

“Rivers and Birds” emphasize the flexibility and diversity of Europe’s natural ecosystems, which show different stages of rivers and different bird species, underlining the nature and protection of the environment. European institutions on the tickets remember the basic values ​​of the European project, including the protection of the environment.

  • 5 euro ticketsSpring on the mountain. Front face: Treparriscos Next to a mountainous view. Reverse: European Parliament.
  • 10 euro ticketsCascade cause. Foreground: Yalicist In a waterfall or water pool. Reverse: European Commission.
  • 20 euro ticketsThe motivation of the closed river. Front: Colonia Abejarucos On the sand wall on the slope of a large river valley along a river coast. Reverse: European Central Bank.
  • 50 euro ticketsA river with a devastating river. Front face: White stork On a faded river in an unlimited river valley. Reverse: European Union Court of Justice.
  • 100 euro ticketsmouth of the river. Front face: Avoket sweep the surface of a muddy area. Reverse: Council of Europe and the Council of the European Union.
  • 200 euro ticketsMotive sea view. Front face: North horses On the flight on the large waves of the ocean. Reverse: European Account Court.

When will the next tickets be selected?

ECB will form a jury in 2025 and start an open design competition All the European Union to designers. ECB, the press release, will continue to cooperate with people and experts to ensure that selected projects are valid for Europeans of all ages. In 2026, ECB will ask what designs prefer from a summary list.

Tickets are a symbol of our European unit And we celebrate our common history with new designs and our devotion to a sustainable future. ”

The Management Council is expected to make a final decision on designs in 2026. New tickets will be ready to circulate A few years after this decision and after the production process is over.

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