Home Sports Maduro announces that he will advance the celebration of Christmas in Venezuela...

Maduro announces that he will advance the celebration of Christmas in Venezuela to October 1


“I am going to decree the early Christmas season for October 1st,” the Venezuelan president announced during his television program.


The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Madurowants to advance the celebration of the Christmas in the country to October 1.

The Chavista president announced the decision during a speech on Monday night at his television program ‘Con Maduro +’, in which he also referred to the blackout that on Friday left nearly 80% of the country without electricity, which he described as a “criminal electrical attack” and which he blamed on his detractors and alleged interference from abroad.

“It’s September and It already smells like Christmas“said Maduro, who declared that the advance by decree of the Christmas festivities would be a display of “tribute” and “gratitude” to his supporters. “For everyone, Christmas has arrived, with peace, happiness and security.”

A judge orders the arrest of Edmundo González

The announcement came just a few hours after a Venezuelan court issued on Monday, at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office, a arrest warrant against former opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González.

Las Chavista authorities accuse González in the framework of an investigation by the alleged commission of various crimesincluding conspiracy, falsification of documents and usurpation of powers, in a repressive escalation against the opposition after Maduro was proclaimed winner of the elections amid accusations of fraud and despite the concealment of the scrutiny minutes.

Authorities requested the order after Edmundo Gonzalez did not appearthree consecutive times to answer prosecutors’ questions. González, 75, has not appeared in public since the day after the election.

The opposition leader had already criticized more than a week ago the citation of the Prosecutor’s Office Venezuelanwhen considering “no guarantees of independence and due process” and pointing out the attorney general as “a political accuser” who “early conviction“.

The European Union (EU) does not yet recognize either of the two candidates as the winner of the elections and demands the publication of all electoral recordswhich according to the opposition would demonstrate Maduro’s defeat.

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