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Macron meets with former presidents and former prime ministers to find alternatives to the blockade


Macron alleged, when ruling out naming the candidate proposed by the left, Lucie Castets, as prime minister, that a government from that bloc “would be immediately censured by the rest of the groups” in the National Assembly. This Monday, Macron meets with former presidents and a former prime minister.


The blockade continues in France. After having rejectedappoint a prime minister from the left-wing New Popular Front coalition (NFP), the French president, Emmanuel Macrontries to make its contacts with the political formations, which it considers capable of acting “for the best interest of the country” bear some fruit.

For his critics Macron exceeds its functions which consist of appointing prime ministernot in guaranteeing or negotiating the duration or stability of the resulting Government. The task of forming a Government in France has always been the responsibility of the prime minister.

Macron opens the doors of the Elysée this Monday to former presidents François Hollande y Nicolas Sarkozyin addition to ex primer ministro Bernard Cazeneuve and to the conservative Xavier Bertrand.

Mobilization of the left on September 7

Macron alleged, by ruling out naming the candidate proposed by the groups that make up the New Popular Front as prime minister, Lucie Castetsthat a Government of that bloc “would be immediately censored by the rest of the groups“of the National Assembly and that, in the name of the “stability” of the country, he would not take that path.

Esa decision outraged the left, which calls Macron’s position undemocratic for arrogating to themselves the power to decide who can or cannot occupy the Government, despite the fact that they were the most voted electoral option in the National Assembly.

Furthermore, in parallel, the French press leaked that Macron did not plan to include in the new round of talks neither Marine Le Pen’s extreme right, nor her partners, nor Rebellious France of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, despite being included in the New Popular Front.

In this scenario, the left coalition chose to announce that would not participate in any new round of consultations with the president and announced that he is preparing popular mobilizations starting on September 7, promoted by LFI.

“Given the exceptional gravity of the situation, we call for a firm response from French society”said that formation in a statement. Also the environmentalists and the communists have supported the initiatives to protest in the street, but not so the Socialist Partywhich is the fourth leg of this coalition.

In addition to this reservation, within the group led by Olivier Faure Voices of dissent have appeared calling for talks to be held with Macron, despite the rejection of the rest of the partners of the New Popular Front.

But to date, despite even the internal tensions that the NFP suffered in the process until finding in Castets a consensus candidate, the socialist first secretary has always refused to value the break with the alliance that allowed the victory of the left last July, when a triumph of the extreme right in France was repeatedly announced.

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