Home Sports Luis Alberto López’s team blamed for career-threatening injuries

Luis Alberto López’s team blamed for career-threatening injuries


Luis Alberto López’s career is in jeopardy. After suffering a brutal 10th round knockout loss at the hands of Angelo Leo in August.

The lead left hook knockout that handed the IBF featherweight title to Leo to Leo occurred at the Tingley Coliseum and caused a brain bleed on Lopez. This raises serious doubts about his future in the ring.

The biggest night of Leo’s career so far may turn out to be Lopez’s final moment in the ring.

Hector Fernandez de Cordova, co-manager of López Didn’t hold back from criticizing the management of this fight. Especially criticizing referee Ernie Sharif.

“It was one of the worst referees I have ever seen in my life in boxing,” Fernandez said. “People like that don’t deserve to be on the stage at the world championships. or even with amateurs He is a butcher. as a referee You have to protect the fighters from each other and from themselves.”

The situation became even more serious after the fight. López’s team claims it faced resistance from the New Mexico Athletic Commission to ensure López would continue to pursue medical treatment.

“The committee tried to convince me not to take him to the hospital,” Fernandez said. “They were like ‘You don’t have to,’ but I’m thinking. ‘If you guys don’t want to pay, that’s fine.’ I’ll pay it, but we’re talking about the health of my fighters. He didn’t even know the battle was over.”

Lopez was eventually taken to the hospital. Stay overnight to observe symptoms. “The neurologist told us the bleeding had stopped. But we will have another MRI in six months,” Fernandez said. “If López still wants to fight. I will refuse any offer. Until we get an MRI.” For me, it’s not about money or inheritance. It’s about the life of a fighter. They are like my children, my brothers. I will not put them in danger.”

Fernandez also clarified that López’s injuries were not the result of attempting a legitimate fight. But he believes the brain hemorrhage was caused by a rabbit sting. It explained that doctors reported that the bleeding was at a 72-degree angle above Lopez’s left ear.

When receiving feedback Leo also defended his work. By insisting that his actions were within the rules. “I don’t consider myself a dirty fighter,” Leo said. “I don’t aim for the back of the head. Because of the damage I saw it do to other fighters.”

Leo accepts the physical nature of this fight. But he insists his punches are legal. “I think there was a lot of action inside,” Leo said. “We both threw hooks to the side of the head. which is considered legal I was warned once about rabbit fleas because he dipped low. But besides that I don’t think it will change the way the fight is fought.”

Adding to the complexity of the situation is the IBF’s 10-pound weigh-in limit on the morning of the fight. This required fighters to weigh within 10 pounds of their previous day’s weight. together in the lightweight division You may struggle with losing weight. This may weaken him before the fight. This is a problem that has not yet been resolved on a large scale.

Despite these concerns But the most pressing issue remains Lopez’s brain injury. It is a stark reminder of the risks that fighters take. And the thin line between victory and tragedy in boxing.

Lucas Ketelle is a proud member of the Boxing Writers Association of America and author of “Inside The Ropes of Boxing” (available on Amazon). Contact him on X @LukieBoxing.


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