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Italy is fighting 10,000 predators


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The sacred Ibis, respected in ancient Egypt, spread to the new European habitats from indigenous Africa.


A kind of exotic bird landed in large parts of Northern Italy, To endanger the local fauna. HEIbis Sacred African is an invasive species Historically, it is believed to spread to some zoo freely flying freely, and began to spread after escaping or released from captivity. Bird in this zancu Origin of Africa and IraqBut now in Northern Italy, “gunpowder” increases, which has jumped the alarms of ornithologists from the relevant risks for local fauna.

NATURAL LIVING OF THE SEE Swamp wetlands and swampsand nest in the water or near the trees. When the climate crisis starts to change the meteorological patterns to a great extent, provocativeDrought and floodBirds go to new habitats.

The Holy Ibis multiplies on a mass scale in northern Italy

“The Phenomenon has spread to all Emilia-Rhoña,” Emilia-Romaña Ornitologists Association (Asoer), “The Phenomenon has spread to all Emilia-Romaña.” “Holy Ibis began to proliferate to a great extent Bologna, Modena and above all Ferrara “, Ravagnani continues, which believes that there may be tens of thousands of birds in the Northern Italy region.

“The Holy Ibis is an exotic species that should not be in Italy, escaped or released from farms in Northern Italy. Similar to Historical Otter’sRavagnani, “Ravagnani says. Otter, the name of love with love is productive on a large scale.”

Why does the Holy Ibis represent a problem?

African Holy Ibis in Europe, Europe Invasive exotic speciesHe’s worried about the European Union. Birds also emerge in ISISI, an inventory of invading exotic species in Europe, prepared by the Institute of Nature and Forest Research and the Center for Ecology and Hydrology.

The EU regulation on the prevention, management and spread of exotic species says: “Invasive exotic species represent one of the main ones Threats for Biodiversity and related ecosystems. The risks of these species may concentrate due to the increase in world trade, transportation, tourism and climate change.

An amphibious predators and others Domestic species

Sacred ibis An amphibious hunter And swallows eggs and chicks from other species that can damage local biological diversity, especially Charranes and fish. Threatening the survival of young people domestic species.

In addition, insect larvae in IPS storage areas and sloppy pine feeding The risk of spreading diseases Those who were transferred to pastures and poultry animals.

How was the Holy Ibis introduced in Europe?

Originally from Africa, Iraq and Yemen, a few sacred ibis were brought to France From Egypt in the 18th century. A century later, such a bird saw freedom in Austria and Italy. Free flight populations from Brittany Zoology in France were released Along the Atlantic coast In the 1980s and 1990s, eradication programs reduced the number, but failed to completely eliminate.

Spain has a policy of shooting these birds

Spain managed to sacrifice the entire population of Ibis And there is a policy of shooting birds from France. The Italian population French Population Migration He is in the Italian zoo in Lombardy, the Italian zoo in Lombardy, a sacred population of ibis on free flight or once on a free flight. A study published in the ‘Nature Scientific Reports’ magazine shows that species start to grow from a single pair Defined in Northwest Italy in 1989. Twenty years later, more than 10,000 birds were documented in the region.

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