Home Sports Illegal excavations in the center of Naples: a rare medieval church from...

Illegal excavations in the center of Naples: a rare medieval church from the 11th century was discovered


This article was first published at: Italian

A businessman carried out illegal excavations at a previously unknown archaeological site, damaging and plundering the area now captured by the Carabinieri.


Research into Naples’ Carabineros Tutela Heritage Core has led to a rare conclusion. archaeological discovery In the center of the Italian city. A businessman made illegal excavations The basement of an old medieval church is used.

Adam moved to exploit the archaeological site, using several of his street-level properties in central Naples. According to the gendarmes who took over the region, illegal activities were also Looting and destruction of sites archaeological.

A rare example of medieval art from the 11th century

Officials emphasized historical significance of the discovery. It is an 11th-century church located approximately eight meters below street level. semicircular apse It is in a very well preserved condition and was painted as a fresco. Jesus sitting on the throneThere are velarium decorations and a partially deciphered dedication inscription underneath.

A part of the floor of the old church, made of white marble slabs, was also revealed. The extraordinary nature of the discovery returns the remains to the public heritage A rare example of medieval art from the 11th century, whose decoration bears similarities to nearby ones Chapel of San Aspreno and this adds to the pictorial testimonies of the medieval period, of which there are not many in the country.

The contractor also carried out other illegal excavations.

Within the scope of the investigation, many workplaces belonging to the businessman located in the historical center of Naples were also examined. other underground passages were captured object of secret excavations of its foundations An 18th-century palace It is registered as a cultural property of special historical and artistic importance.

They were also captured approximately 10,000 ceramic fragments Roman and medieval Neapolitan businessman, probably from the suburban area of ​​the ancient city of Neapolis. Traces of this can also be traced in other areas that were not investigated during the research. They captured in total 453 intact archaeological objects from Roman timesincluding red-figure kraters, amphorae, terracotta lamps and oil pipes, as well as Roman and medieval coins.

The recovered material and the entire underground area seized, new research and scientific studies to be carried out with the competent Archaeological Inspectorate of the City of Naples in order to ensure their security, protection and completion. improving facilities.

Since the measure applied was taken during the preliminary investigation, the businessman who is the subject of the investigator’s investigation is considered innocent until the final decision is made.

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