Home Sports Hungary braces for worst floods in a decade

Hungary braces for worst floods in a decade


In Budapest, authorities closed the lower piers. They were expected to break due to rising waters.


Hungary is preparing largest Danube flood over a period of more than ten years. To this end, troops have been deployed to reinforce riverside barriers, while thousands of volunteers have been filling sandbags in dozens of riverside settlements.

Moreover Improvised dams are being built At the bend of the Danube River north of Budapest. Most residents of the towns in that area have already received it. all necessary precautions and now they are just waiting for the floods to come.

The last major flood in Hungary occurred in 2013, following heavy rains in Europe. However, there are concerns that the damage will be even greater this time.

“The challenge is that unlike 2013, when the flood waters receded quickly, this time the wave may last longer. If this happens, the levees and sand barriers will become saturated and If a rupture or leak occurs, it will be difficult to contain.“, says György Molnár, a local volunteer.

The Hungarian Water Authority also warned that the current period of calm was misleading and announced that floods had already begun in the northwestern parts of the Danube River.

“We have already ‘caught’, in the jargon of authority, swamps, seeps and running water in the last two nights. In these cases, Channels covered with plastic covers and they are being strengthened,” explains Gabriella Siklós, spokeswoman for the Hungarian Water Authority.

Water is constantly rising in Budapest, inundating docks and pulling residents into canals. The river is expected to pass The summit near Budapest However, experts predict that the level will be 15 to 20 centimeters lower than expected.

But officials continue to warn that flood protection measures may need to be maintained for a long time.

Additional resources • Enrique Barrueco (Voice)

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