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How will the victory of Trump or Harris affect Europe? These are the consequences


The US Democratic Party promised to “support Ukraine” and “strengthen NATO” in a manifesto released at its Chicago Convention this week, but growing enthusiasm for Kamala Harris does not necessarily mean Europe can breathe easy.


“Democrats will join our European partners in confronting a revanchist Russia. We will not allow Moscow to interfere in our democracies nor undermine our determination,” said the electoral program published before the 2024 presidential election.

This will be music for the ears from European officials following the campaign from afar, even if the promises pile up to page 89 of the 92-page Democratic election manifesto.

Who’s afraid of Donald Trump? Except Hungary, all the others

Few in Europe will publicly support Kamala Harrisbut it is no secret that, apart from the Hungary of Viktor Orbánthe majority of European Union governments do not want another mandate of Donald Trumpseen as anti-EU and pro-Brexit.

Robin de Woutersspokesperson for the association Democrats Abroadtold ‘Euronews’ that he was surprised that the current president Joe Biden had withdrawnfrom the race so latebut excited about the new formula that pairs Harris with the governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz.

A game in which nothing is assured

“The last month has been “extremely rich in news since July 21 and the unexpected departure of President Biden, but I think the vice president Kamala Harris “He’s really gathering all the momentum he can,” de Wouters said. “He’s been breaking records in terms of money and donations.

Since he entered the ring, Harris has raised more than 300 million dollars (more than 270 million euros) and 150,000 new volunteers have joined his team, according to de Wouters, who adds that he remains nervous about a campaign that is likely to remain tough.

Trump’s “strong base”

Others, like Ian Lesservice president of the German Marshall Fundagree that the outcome of the elections is far from clear.

“Europe wants predictability from the United States, especially at a time of war in Europe and other tensions around the world,” Lesser told Euronews. “Obviously, there is a lot of energy and enthusiasm behind the new Democratic ticket,” she added. “But that doesn’t change the fact that Trump still has a very strong base and quite unwavering in certain places.”

Whoever occupies the White Housemisunderstandings between Brussels and Washington will not go away, and Lesser warns that foreign policy rarely appears in the American domestic political debate.

Harris and Trump have scheduled a expected presidential debateSeptember 10.

Additional sources • Enrique Barrueco (Voice-over)

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