Home Sports High temperatures in the Balkans dry up lakes in Bosnia

High temperatures in the Balkans dry up lakes in Bosnia


Experts say this summer in the Balkans has been the hottest since measurements began more than 130 years ago.


Las record temperatures and the lack of rainfall are having serious consequences throughout Europe. In Bosniathe high temperatures of this summer have caused certain areas of some lagos dry completely.

He Bileca lake It is often a source of hydroelectric power in Bosnia, as well as a popular recreational spot for bathers. This year, the extremely low water levels they beat new recordswhich has affected both the energy industry like turismo in the Balkan country.

The hottest summer in the Balkans on record

Experts say that the summer 2024 in the Balkans has been the hottest since measurements began more than 130 years ago. Meteorologists point out that long periods with temperatures above 30°C, which did not drop below 20°C overnight, have raised average temperatures to new highs.

Climate scientists explain that the global warmingcaused primarily by the burning of fossil fuels, has led to warmer temperatures, and the world has recently recorded 13 consecutive monthly heat records.

The European Climate Service Copernicus reported on Friday that the summer 2024 it was also the hottest recorded on the planetmaking it even more likely that this year will end up being the warmest year measured by humanity.

For its part, Southeast Europe was “trapped” this summer under a subtropical warm air mass coming from West Africa and the Mediterranean Sea area, said Goran Pejanovic of the Serbian Hydrometeorological Service.

The warm climate in the Balkans has drying rivers in Bosnia and Serbiaprovoked forest fires devastating in Croatia, North Macedonia y Albaniawithered crops and burned farmland across the region.

The Vistula River records a historic drop in its water level as it passes through the Polish capital

The Balkans are not the only area in Europe where the heat leaves its mark on low flows: In Poland another record has been broken, after the water level of the Vistula river in Warsaw will reach this Monday 24 centimetersafter a hot weekend.

Hydrologists had been warning for days that the river would reach its lowest levels ever recorded. This Monday’s reading broke the record from nine years agowhen the level of the Vistula River dropped to 26 cm on three occasions.

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