Home Sports Grandmothers’ protests against the extreme right return in Germany

Grandmothers’ protests against the extreme right return in Germany


The far right is leading in the polls for the elections in Thuringia and Saxony. They leave behind the Christian Democrats and the parties of the red-green coalition government of Thuringia, which are lagging behind throughout the state.


A few weeks before the German regional elections in Thuringia y Sajonialas ‘Grandmas against the right‘They go out into the street again, just like they did in February. They call to demonstrate to defend democracy.

Recently, several hundred protesters marched through Erfurt, the capital of the state of Thuringia. It is in Erfurt where the extreme right of Alternative for Germany He has been in the regional parliament for ten years. Could bethe most voted party on September 1.

The extreme right is leading in the polls

In the surveys Alternative for Germany It is ahead of the Christian Democrats and the parties of the red-green coalition government in Thuringia, which are lagging behind throughout the state.

The first groups of ‘Grandmas against the right‘ were founded in Germany in 2018. Since then, the movement has grown and aims to demonstrate that right-wing ideas are not an alternativenot even for the older generations.

According to the organizers, the movement now has some 30,000 members assets. In Austria There is also an organization with the same name and purposes.

Additional sources • Enrique Barrueco (Voice-over)

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