Home Sports Carl Lewis and Michael Phelps honored during the Olympic Games

Carl Lewis and Michael Phelps honored during the Olympic Games


This weekend a tribute event to Carl Lewis and Michael Phelps was held by the Sports for Peace foundation.


While the Paris Olympic Gamesthe stars arrived on the red carpet in the French capital to perform tribute to Olympic champions Carl Lewis and Michael Phelps for his contribution to sport, along with the IOC Refugee Olympic Team.

The objective of the event Sport for Peace was to celebrate the social values ​​of sport and pay tribute to certain sports personalities for their important charitable commitment to social problems.

Among the guests were senior officials of the COIas well as current and past sports personalities.

The event was organized by Sports for Peace, which serves as a platform for athletes to meet and promote values ​​such as fair play, tolerance and the Olympic ideals of peace and freedom.

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