Home Sports Belgian winemakers reinvent themselves in the face of the damage caused by...

Belgian winemakers reinvent themselves in the face of the damage caused by heat and climate change to their crops


In countries like Belgium, they are looking for solutions so that the heat wave does not cause so much damage to the vineyards.


He climate change is taking Europe to a summer of record temperatures. The rise of the thermometeror it is not the only thing that is being noticed. Meteorology records extreme adverse phenomena: floods, frosts, drought…

Agriculture is one of the victims of these radical changes. Countries like Spain or Belgium, with a strong wine industrythey are resorting to new grape varieties more resistant.

“I have removed the leaves from the vines. By removing the leaves, the vine is exposed to heat, cold, rain and wind. This creates a thicker skin, so there is less risk of insect or disease attack, and they are better protected against heat” dice Jeannette Van der Steen, winemaker and owner of Château Bon Baron.

“We sprinkle certain clay that gives a reflection and heats the grapes less, in fact. And yes, this way we protect vines against water stress and heat stress,” he adds. These are ways to reinvent themselves so that climate change does not affect their crops.

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