Only living usually contains much higher costs. A new study defines the best places for single people who are considering acting to increase purchasing forces.
Single Adult Household Peoples About 80 million in the EUrepresents more than half of the total. The proportion of people living alone between 2013-2023 No child increased more than 21%It becomes the biggest growth of the EU.
Between the increase in maintenance costs and the increase in housing prices The financial fee of life alone It is increasingly higher, so it is known today “Single tax“.
Swedish Agency for the loan’s loan Better Purchase Power.
Switzerland occupies the first position
Switzerland occupies the first position. Although it has one of the highest living costs in Europe, it also offers the best environments: 85,000 Euro According to Eurostat data. This will allow a single person to save up to 34,000 euros.
The Netherlands and Germany Thanks to a good balance between income and cost of living, they occupy extraordinary positions, although they have lower average income.
“This approach allows us Gross savings potential With general financial flexibility, Credwise says. Scandinavian countries also achieved good results on the table CondemnationCon Iceland Fifth and Norway seventh. NorwayIn particular, the average income (30,096 euros), which balances costs well (45,797.85 euros), stands out with its second largest savings potential.