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The French Jewish community at the center of the electoral debate over the war on Gaza


Le Pen’s extreme right sides with Netanyahu and tries to erase any anti-Jewish traits. Macron’s candidate, Shannon Seban, doesn’t believe the change is real.


The French political debate has been marked by the resurgence of anti-Zionism perceived as antisemitism. In the middle of the massacre in Gaza, the French Jewish community feels threatened by the islamic fundamentalism and Muslim fundamentalism and is skeptical of the position in favor of the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu that maintains the extreme right of The pen.

The Ensemble candidate, the party of Emmanuel Macron, Shannon Seban, does not believe in the change of the French extreme right: “They wanted to present themselves as a respectable party. They wanted to present themselves as a shield, a protection against anti-Semitism for French Jews. But we will not be fooled. National Group will continue to be the same National Front of Jean-Marie Le Pen and I don’t forget that they have an ideology racist y xenophobic“.

The diverse French Jewish community at the center of political debate

Seban assures that she has also been threatened by the extreme left. The Jewish community in France is divided between left and right. There is no differentiation in the public debate between the anti-Zionismwhich rejects Netanyahu’s ultranationalist government, and the racist anti-judaism and primary.

The historian Serge KlarsfeldHolocaust survivor and later researcher on the presence of Nazis in post-war Europe, explains that “The only victory that was won against anti-Semitism in France is the fact that the parties that were anti-Semitic are no longer so. Unfortunately, parties that normally should not be anti-Semitic have become anti-Semitic. The extreme left has become the extreme right regarding the Jews.”

Middle East influences France

Attacks against Jews in Europe have increased since the start of the bombings on Gaza and in parallel with the rejection of the aggression against the Palestinians by the Israeli government in Gaza Yet the colonial expansion in the West Bank.

The professor at the University of the Côte d’Azur, Jean-Pierre Darnis perceives that “The National Assembly has adopted tactics that in the name of its antiislamismo they turned projudías and tries to reassure, and probably will reassure, a conservative and reactionary part of the Jewish community in France.”

The Italian far-right leader Georgie Melons against Netanyahu’s and asks the anti-Semitic sectors of his party to leave

The professor of Contemporary History at the LUISS University of Rome and president of the Identity and Action party, Gaetano Quagliariello explains Meloni’s message: “If you decide to follow that path (fascism and anti-Semitism) or be ambiguous, you are on an alternative route that is not ours. I have not yet seen such a clear statement from the National Rally.”

The structural difference between the Italian and French extreme right is that the first governs the country for two years and has to intervene in world politics and not only with the moods of the internal electorate.

Additional sources • Enrique Barrueco (Voice-over)

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