Home Uncategorized THE CUBE: False claims about Biden’s mental health flood the networks again

THE CUBE: False claims about Biden’s mental health flood the networks again


This article was originally published in English

As the presidential elections in the United States approach, messages that ridicule President Joe Biden’s suitability to serve another term are multiplying, but the images are often manipulated or taken out of context.


Criticism about Joe Biden’s mental health and his 81 years of age They have persecuted him throughout his presidencyand accusations that he is too old and senile for the position are gaining weight in the run-up to this year’s presidential elections.

Many of these claims would be supported by videos in which President Biden is supposedly seen. act strangelybut the images are often manipulated or taken out of context.

For example, in the following video you can see Biden distracted during a G7 summit in June. The video appears to show that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has to guide him back to the rest of the group.

However, the video has been clipped and taken out of context.

In the full video, which can be easily found a YouTubeBiden clearly is watching participants in a skydiving demonstration and interact with them, instead of looking at the horizon.

You can also see some of the other world leaders looking in the same direction.

Did Biden fall asleep live?

In a separate incident, this YouTube short purports to show Biden sleeping during a live interview. But it has been completely invented: they are actually two unrelated videos.

One is from 2011 and is taken from a ‘Eyewitness News’ interview with Harry Belafonte, in which the actor and singer appears to be sleeping. At the time, Belafonte’s spokesman said he was not sleeping, but meditating, and that his headset was not working.

The Biden images, on the other hand, actually come from a 2020 video in which Hillary Clinton supports him. As Clinton speaks, Biden often looks down and may sometimes appear to close his eyes, but There is no evidence that he was sleeping..

False claims on D-Day anniversary

More false claims came after the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings‘in Normandy. Some They claim that these images They show Biden trying to sit in a non-existent chair.

But in the video Complete, unedited, you can see the chair at various times. At the moment in question, Biden looks over his shoulder, pauses while the next speaker is announced, and then sits down.

Others claim that another video from a later moment in the ceremony shows Biden turning randomly and looking away. This supposedly prompts his wife Jill and Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron to also turn to cover him.

But once again, if we see the full video Recorded from a different angle, we can see that Biden turned to salute the veterans as the ‘Last Post’, a well-known military bugle call, played.

Biden’s doctor declared in February that the president “remains fit for service and fully executes all of its responsibilities without exemptions or accommodations.”

The debate over whether there should be an age limit for active politicians it is validbut it is worth remembering that there is no evidence that Biden, 81, is incapable of fulfilling his position due to his age.

It must also be taken into account that his main rival in the presidential race, Donald Trump, He is 78 years oldonly three less than Biden.

In any case, Europe will closely follow the November elections due to the strong ties that the EU and the different European States maintain with the United States, not only economically, but through NATO and mutual support to Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

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