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Tens of thousands of women declare war on the extreme right in France


France hosted feminist marches in Paris and other cities on Sunday to protest against the extreme right in the midst of the campaign for early legislative elections. Protesters fear that a National Rally victory will lead to setbacks in women’s rights.


Tens of thousands of women They took to the streets in Paris and other cities in France on Sunday to protest against the far-right National Groupwhile polls indicate that Marine Le Pen’s party could win the next legislative elections.

The protesters expressed their fear given the prospect that a possible absolute or relative majority in the National Assembly for National Grouping would lead to setbacks in the Women rights and in gender equality policies. The participants in the protests also criticized the “facade feminism” of the far-right formation.

In March, France enshrined the right to abortion in its Constitution, in a pioneering initiative worldwide. And, although the measure aroused a broad consensus among political forces, some legislators from the National Group expressed their rejection, which generated worry among part of the public about the attitudes of the far-right party towards women’s rights.

The electoral campaign for early legislative elections of the June 30th and the July 7th It started last Monday. Macron decided to call the elections after his party’s failure in the elections to the EU Parliament on June 9from which the French extreme right emerged strengthened as the leading force in France.

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