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One year after France’s ban on short-haul flights: Has it encouraged more people to take the train?


This article was originally published in English

The regulation was highly debated and has been in force for just over a year in which a change in trend has already been noted.


In June 2023, France formally introduced a ban on short-haul domestic flights in an effort to reduce carbon emissions.

In theory, the regulations prohibits flights when there is a rail alternative of less than 2.5 hours. At the time, critics claimed it did not go far enough as it affected too few routes and did not include connecting flights. The aviation sector has opposed it, claiming that the regulations are unfair.

More than a year after its entry into force,What has been the impact of the ban??

Has the ban on domestic flights reduced emissions?

Before the introduction of the ban, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) estimated that the new regulations could reduce up to 55,000 tons of emissions, just2.6% of the total annual emissions from domestic flights in France.

He apparently minimal impact of the measure in reducing greenhouse gas emissions was the basis of an appeal against the law by the Union of French Airports earlier this year, which argued that it was an “abuse of power.”

They lost the appeal, as the Council of State ruled that the ban “may contribute in the short term to the reduction of these emissions in the field of air transport.”

However, more than a year after its introduction, There are still no official figures on the emissions reduction achieved directly thanks to the prohibition.

The only data we have, according to the French head of aviation at the non-profit organization Transport & Environment, Jérôme du Boucher, is the global emissions from domestic flights last year.

They decreased by 3.4% in 2023 compared to 2022, while, internationally, these emissions increased.

“So that really illustrates that, in general, domestic flights in France have decreased and the ban on short-haul flights contributes to this,” he explains. “In what proportion? It’s hard to say.”

“What we can say more qualitatively is that at the same time, in 2023, the national railway company SNCF has recovered its level of activity“.

Put in parallel with domestic flights, he says, the rate of travel and business activity has not returned to pre-COVID levels.

“So it seems that there has been a change, more generally than just on those specific flights [cubiertos por la prohibición]”.

The ban will apply for at least three yearsafter which the French Government will study its impact before taking new measures.

More than emissions figures

However the legacy of prohibition It will not be limited to the effectiveness of the regulations in reducing emissions from domestic flights.

“It seems like it is little in terms of CO2 emissions, but It is good as a political measureas a piece of legislation,” says de Bouchard.

The law was highly debated in France and its application, whatever it may be, “is a signal to the people.” He believes that this makes them consider what the French would call ‘sobriété’ or moderation: is it really worth taking these flights for business or leisure?

“It has a real effect on how people behave and regard this mode of transportation.” A recent national survey of air passengers by the DGAC asked citizens What would you do if your trip was not possible by plane?. In the case of domestic flights, 41% stated that they would have used another means of transportation.


Not only that, adds de Bouchard, but it opens doors and the possibility of more regulation. Spain, for example, has planned to introduce a similar ban on short-distance flights when there are rail alternatives of less than 2.5 hours.

When a country commits to a regulation like this and the European Commission approves it, it is easier for other EU countries to consider doing so too.

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