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Macron and Joe Biden officially meet in Paris and have many pending issues


After the ‘D-Day’ celebrations, Biden officially visits French institutions. In the morning, the ceremony with Macron at the Arc de Triomphe.


In the midst of the electoral campaign for the November elections, the president of the United States, Joe Bidenmet with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macronin Paris.

This happened after participating in recent days in the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of ‘D-Day’ in Normandy, where Biden also met with the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenskiwho previously also met with the French president.

On Saturday morning, the two leaders attended the commemoration ceremony of the Unknown Soldier on the arch built by Napoleon after the victory at the Battle of Austerlitz. Then they crossed the Elysian Fields decked out in the colors of the two countries for the presidential parade. Biden and Macron were accompanied by their wives Jill and Brigitte.

Both will hold a private meeting before the press conference scheduled for late afternoon. There are many issues on the table, from the conflicts in Ukraine or the steps to achieve peace in Gazaas well as cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.

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