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King Felipe VI presents the Carlos V award to Mario Dragui for his leadership at the ECB


Mario Draghi receives the Charles V European Prize, “Europe must not be passive if prosperity is threatened.”


The former president of the European Central Bank and former Italian prime minister Mario Draghireceived the Charles V European Prize in a solemn ceremony presided over by King Felipe VI of Spain.

The jury of the 17th edition of the award decided to award the award to the Italian economist for “his leadership at the head of the European Central Bankwhich has made it possible to face one of the biggest crises that the European Union has experienced since its creation, implementing a series of incisive and risky measures that have been successful, in the midst of a recession in the European economy, to maintain the strength of the euro and the autonomy of the ECBas well as to save the single currency, allowing Europe to emerge stronger from the crisis.”

The jury also highlighted how Draghi has promoted “European ethical principles as the central axis of economic governance” and how it has paid attention and commitment “to young people as guarantors of the future of Europe, tasks that go beyond the strictly economic sphere.”

Draghi: “The EU cannot be passive if prosperity is threatened”

The EU will have to grow faster and better. And the main way to achieve faster growth is increase our productivity“said Draghi in his acceptance speech. To do this, “we must first reduce the price of energy and build a real energy market” and then “we must also face new needs: adapt to rapid technological changes, increase defense capacity and achieve the green transition,” he added.

Draghi also hinted at the European Union’s position in global trade. “We do not want to become protectionists in Europe, but we cannot remain passive if the actions of others threaten our prosperity.“said the former president of the ECB, referring to China and USA.

The Charles V European Prize

It is the third time that the Carlos V Prize, which awards the Yuste Foundation To those people whose work has contributed to the general knowledge and enhancement of European values, as well as to the process of European construction and integration, it is awarded to an Italian personality.

In 2016 was awarded to the teacher Sofia Corradi, better known as Mamma Erasmus, for launching the famous European Union university exchange program. In 2018the jury awarded the then president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani“for their work in favor of a more competitive Europe that guarantees an effective, sustainable and strategic growth model.”

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