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China and Poland inaugurate their first regular rail link to improve trade between them


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China and Poland have launched a regular railway connection, emulating the ancient Silk Road, to strengthen trade between China and the European Union.


China and Poland They recover the ancient Eurasian trade route called the Silk Road. For this they have launched the first regular rail connection between both countries.

The project will not only reinforce the trade between Beijing and Warsawbut also between China and the EU, and is in line with the Chinese initiative ‘Belt and Road’released a decade ago.

New rail link

The new rail link will allow products from China that they reach Warsaw are downloaded and distributed effectively locally and across European markets.

This development highlights the China’s strategic efforts for expanding their worldwide commercial networksin addition to offering Europa new ways to export products to the Asian country.

Will adjust trade imbalances

Magdalena Rybicka, director ofl Institute of Asian Studies of the Vistula Academy of Finance and Businesshighlights the initial shipment of appliances and small equipment that the trains will have.

It also values ​​the potential of this route to support the export of Polish products to China, especially in sectors such as agriculture after recent trade agreements.

“At the moment, it mainly transports household appliances, air conditioners and all kinds of small equipmentbut later it will also bring Polish products to China“, explica Rybicka.

For Poland, China is the second country in terms of economic cooperation commercial, but for China, the Polish market is insignificant for the moment. Rybicka says they want to balance a very unbalanced business situation.

A business opportunity for European countries

Radoslaw Pyffel, expert in China’s international politicsanalyzes the broader implications of this rail connection for Europe: “We see the Euro 2024 and many of the companies that sponsor this event They are Chinese companies. This shows us something interesting: that Chinese companies They plan to develop in the European market, and without a doubt it is a business opportunity.”

Pyffel believes that Poland will not be the center of this process, but it can be an important part of it. According to him, other countries such as Hungary, Italy and Spain They will also try to attract investments from China.

The Polish-Belarusian border may become a problem

However, ‘Euronews’ correspondent Magdalena Chodownik points out that the situation in the Polish-Belarusian borderthrough which the train passes, may have repercussions on the railway connection.

“In spite of the controversy surrounding relations with China -that maintains relations with Russia-, trade exchanges are narrowing,” says Chodownik. “However, Poland’s tensions with Belarus could prove a problem“The Polish Government does not rule out a complete closure of the borders with its eastern neighbor if the migration crisis continues to grow.”

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