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Avoiding turbulent waters: How does the EU manage shared rivers and water resources?


Almost half of the world’s fresh water is shared between at least two or more countries. In this Crash Course we examine why water cooperation between States is increasingly vital to preventing conflict.

Why is competition for water growing?

He climate change and increased demand are causing a greater competition between countries for the planet’s water resources. Almost half of the world’s surface waters are shared by two or more countries, and Europe is the continent with the largest number of communal river basins.

Many EU countries rely heavily on water originating outside their borders. For example, the Danube It passes through almost a dozen European countries, including Germany, Slovakia, Moldova and Ukraine. This highlights problems such as water scarcity, pollution control, flood management and biodiversity protection.

Some key information

  • 47% of the Earth’s surface waters are found in river basins shared by at least two countries.
  • These basins support 40% of the world’s population and represent 60% of the world’s river flow.
  • Of 192 countries, 153 share 310 rivers and lakes, and 592 aquifers.
  • These water resources supply 2.8 billion people, that is, 42% of the world’s population.


Europe’s many cross-border waterways require extensive international and multilateral cooperation. Water availability varies greatly in the EU: energy production is the largest consumer in Central and Western Europe, while lAgriculture dominates in the south of the continent.

Climate change is exacerbating these problems: Southern European basins face a severe water stress and those of the north to one decrease in snowfall and an increase in river flow in winter. Managing these changes is politically complex and requires cross-border cooperation.

Water consumption and availability vary greatly across the EU:

  • Water availability ranges from less than 400 mm/year in parts of the Mediterranean to more than 1000 mm/year along the Atlantic and the Alps.
  • Energy production is the largest consumer in Central and Western Europe, and agriculture in Southern Europe.

How does the EU avoid troubled waters?

The EU uses various treaties and agreements to regulate cooperation on transboundary waters.

Among them stands out the Water Framework Directive (WFD). It establishes the rules for the integrated management of hydrographic basins by promoting cooperation through joint bodies and shared practices for the evaluation and control of water quality.

The Flood Directive complements the WFD by strengthening flood risk management.

Another fundamental agreement is the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Agreement). This agreement mandates the equitable and sustainable use of shared waters and encourages cooperation through legally binding agreements.

He Convention for the Protection of the Danube It also serves as a model for effective transboundary water management, focusing on the conservation and rational use of Danube waters.

Through these and other agreements, the EU attempts reduce possible conflicts y promote water diplomacy.

Europe’s shared rivers and lakes

  • Danube River: It crosses several countries such as Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.
  • Rhine River: Shared by France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands and Belgium.
  • Meuse River: Crosses Belgium, the Netherlands and France.
  • Oder River: Crosses the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany.
  • Elbe River: Shared by Germany and the Czech Republic.
  • Miño, Lima, Duero, Tajo and Guadiana Rivers: Shared by Spain and Portugal.
  • Lake Constance (Bodensee): Shared by Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
  • Lake Geneva: Borders France and Switzerland.
  • Lake Peipus: Shared by Estonia and Russia.
  • Lake Saimaa: Crosses Finland and Russia.
  • Lake Ladoga: Borders Russia and Finland.

Learn more about water

‘Euronews’ and the European Commission have partnered to promote the EU Water Wise campaign, #WaterWiseEU. Our series, ‘Water Matters’, and the EU campaign aim to raise awareness about the increasing stress on European water systems and the need for a sustainable water management.

Water Matters‘ will delve into various topics related to water, highlighting the importance of protecting nature and ecosystems that are part of the water cycle. Through engaging content, Euronews and the European Commission hope to inspire people and communities to become #WaterWiseEU.

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