Home Fight The goal shakur shakur battered after sparring

The goal shakur shakur battered after sparring


Shakur Stevens Shovat if you move in a photo posted by the Shakrant Port of the Shakrant for his flamming 2 Defense for February 2 in Rain.

Porter was trying to give shakur some cover Saying in the layer of photo, “baby just looks taller than the angle in which photo has been taken.” Is not reality. Shakur is a massive bully to 135 and must be struggled with 140. I am feeling surprised that the porter has not explained because Shakur is stopped everyone. Could not blame that on camera angle.

In the picture, Shakur Troudered on Puerting, who was expected larger than it, as a primo young man. Stevenson has been giving the box fans excuses because I can’t go up to 140 to fight Hernesto merryand 147 has come the door. Looked more than great for the countryside in one of these divisions. It just seems Stevenson is flat-out-out-out-scared and he doesn’t want to deal with the power of young lions as ernesto.

Will surround

Shakur is getting all help in the world to prepare the 22-22-year Schofield (18-0, 12 KOS). The retired porter is only the latter. Stevens u have moring crawford, 37, and flood beweather attend it in this fight.

This is a sign of concern. Stevenson is Surrounding their cartsget all the help can from veterans for their battle against Schofield. It is bored on the left and right from the three vets to help you salutor against this young lion. I have to fear.

With the glass of Shakur, if not 100% February 22, it will be in trouble. Schofield is not the type of type that someone wants to fight with a single hand. Running from this Guy doesn’t work because I knew you caught us, and put you some fires under his return.


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