Home Fight The 2026 World Cup final will screech the show at partial hours

The 2026 World Cup final will screech the show at partial hours


Gianni has become the leader of the most revolutionary FIFA in the history of football and changed its design World Cup For the first time, it will be played in three different countries, and now it has been revealed that there will be a show in half the final.

The World Cup in Mexico, the United States and Canada at the time, a new idea that Infantino accepted the first time, he revealed the news through his account. Instagram.

This is the only innovation that the president of the high -ranking football agency, which announced that there will be a ‘fan festival’ in New York in the city’s most identity places, is not the only novelty, “FIFA will capture Times Square in the last weekend of the FIFA 2026 World Cup, during the bronze and final.”

Infantino thanked Chris Martin and Bill Harvey of the British band Gold Play, he said, “He will work with us FIFA Complete the list of artists performed during the part -time show and in Times Square. “

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