Home Fight MLB has already allowed fans to hold mookie boxes

MLB has already allowed fans to hold mookie boxes


It banned two New York Yankees fans from entering its stadium this Friday During the fourth game of the last World Series, they interfered with a play by grabbing the arm of Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Mookie Betts.

Banned fans Austin Capobianco and John B. During the aforementioned encounter at Yankee Stadium in New York, Hansen took advantage of Betts’ attempt to catch a fly ball that connected with Venezuelan Kleyber Torres into the right full zone.

One of them grabbed his glove and tried to open it to get the ball out of him, while the other grabbed him with his right hand to prevent him from being able to defend himself.

In light of this shameful performance, MLB has banned entry into each of its league’s stadiums and events it hosts.

“Based on their conduct, Major League Baseball bans them indefinitely from all stadiums, offices and other MLB facilities. They are also banned indefinitely from attending any MLB-sponsored or related event,” the notice sent to both fans read.

MLB noted that Capobianco and Hansen’s conduct posed a serious risk to player health and safety and exceeded the bounds of acceptable fan behavior.

“They intentionally and forcefully grabbed a player and interfered with the game,” MLB said, because they could be arrested if they don’t honor the decision.

“Please note that if you are found on any MLB property or event, you will be removed from that location and subject to arrest for trespassing,” the league noted.

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