(Credit: Ryan Hafey / Premier Boxing Champions)
The business angle
Lampley feels the sport has “larger possibility (29-0, 24 KOS) because it is a” Mexican’s “American” that if cuban morrell (11-0, 9 kos) is victorious. Superficial, not sports To look at an athletic contest, focusing only side of business, but there are truths that.
It’s better for the box if the bavavidez wins but can be temporary. If I Deadly Morrie, After Segnucive Pillions Champions near Pestrit and get out of him, its stock immediately. The popularity of Benavidez would only be temporary.
Also, if Benavidez moves to Cruiserweight and is destroyed by Ibf Jai Opetia, would be the same. So beat morrell doesn’t want to bavidez missing the talent to note the shopkeeper and operating because it is not exactactive to hit.
Morrell has similar power as artribevand if BenAVDIDEZ is only Chode and walk for his tales in the way that made against the smallest, fighting, meaning their 29-0 records here, it may end evil. They will land the welfare with a giant spatula after and taking it out of the ring and pieces.
The opportunity of Morrell
“There have been other cubans who wished to beat people. He (David Morte, and the Southwest Power is a rare for any reason. Southpawes often has come, and I conventional combators are more likely to come to wizzers, “he said Jim flampley to Sean zittelTalk about south-cuban southww, in front of their contravidavid brawravid fighting on Saturday.
“It’s (mORREll) has a stiff hook, and he’s got the skills. He has a tremendous platform here to show you. It is not the favored, but I think the struggle has been in Havana (Cuba), he would be the favored. So I think it’s a tremendous opportunity for morrell.
“I think the welfare can become a giant star. I think it is a larger american. I have a larger american. I have a root on a benavidez type show.
Vaavidez can become a giant’s star but, it may not take you to choose the best more rather than the passement of many angry pacers for very careful. Beterbiev will beat you ‘the Mexican monster’ Wellcode and destroys them as he made Calum Smith. Tell that Benavidez and father are focused in WBA and WBO Cruisweight Jewerto Ramirez rather than Champion Jai Openia.
That suggests that they know their limitations and they don’t want to mess with opetiah. Someone believes that wellavidez has peeled morrell for the past three years, only i am exept well in their previous wrestling in 175 against the root.
If Team Benavidez dodged Morrell all these years, probably do the same with Opeti. Benavadez wants to artir artir beterbieg because it’s 40, and there’s a lot of money to fight from Saudi Arabia. Will make a lot of money and have an integrated apology If you lose Beterbiev. “I fought the best heavy light. ‘It would be as well as Benavidez’s eagerly used after his plenty in light heavyweight Aleysandr Gvozyk the latter.
“There are spaces where morrell can have significant advantages,” flashing you. “The incentives are greater for Benavidez. He changes the lifestell you can beat this in the spectacular fashion. Therefore I know why their dreams can be larger, his orizani can greater, and i can favor benavidez to win fight. “
The debate “weight weight”
Again, flashing is concentrated on the side of things rather than the sport side in the bavididez vs.rell fight. The hope, there will be no controversy decision in this fight, with the A-School Binavadez gave a victory on the morrell after you have dominated. That would turn up every benavidez victory.
“I HAVE NOT SEEN A SHORTCOMING THAT ARE A PATENTIAL CLEAR FOR MORLLAY HIM AND WIN THE SATURDAY NIGHTLEY, REACTON HEARTY THAT MANY FANVIDEZ AS A ‘ The bully weight because he was smaller fighter, the older fighters’ through a lot of their career.